Wanting to raise meat birds in Orlando, but need to find a processor.

Not many Amish settlements in Florida... and testing my boyfriends manhood is limited to certain areas of the house, ;-}

I'm even getting a little resistance to even considering meat chickens... but I'm definitely going to pursue it.
Someone is giving us a rooster this weekend because it is causing problems in their flock.. They know we want to learn how to process birds...so they thought they would give us the problem roo! Very nervous! But really want to learn!
I already get my chickens in Bradenton... so it wouldn't save me much time or energy. And yeah, I'm going to need to try to do my own dressing eventually - but I'm not ready yet. Thanks for the tips!
The double bucket method is a quick and fairly painless way to dispatch a terminally ill animal that doesn't require you to be intimately/violently involved in the process. Fill two 5 gallon buckets halfway with water. Place the sedated/comatose animal into a pillowcase, and place the bag into one of the buckets, then place the second bucket into/on top of the second bucket. The animal will drown in less than a minute. You can then take the animal and dispose of it through burying or burning.

We get a lot of cats dropped off at our place because they think that since we have a few acres, we can afford it. Some of them wind up very sickly and dying. I treat them as best I can with antibiotics and good food, but those that are beyond help, I don't like to see suffer. It's a shame people can't spay and neuter more consistently, but I would go absolutely broke going to the veterinarian to take care of these strays. I don't own a gun, and I can't snap their neck.... it's too gruesome for me.

It isn't a decision I make lightly, and I hate that I have to do it. In the end, it is kinder to the poor, thrown away beasts.
Sorry It took so long to respond... yes, I'd drive to Ormond! After reading another story about the chicken available from the big processors, I am even more convinced that I need to grow my own. And, I'm willing to help with the process - I just can't do it on my own property. My family is too citified.... and frankly, I know I'll be slow at first.
Do you know where the nearest Amish settlement is? I'm sure someone there will do it for a small fee. Our neighbor does it here, and I see flyers posted at the Amish feed mill and at the harness shop.

Anybody knows how much would cost for someone to process a chicken?

I have alot of spare time in the winter and i think i could do that if i could get some money out of it.​

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