Wanting to start rotational grazing...


Araucana enthusiast
5 Years
Mar 16, 2016
North Central IN
My Coop
My Coop
I recently added a 10'x20' section to my existing chicken run, and plan to add another 10'x20' in the next few weeks. The existing run for my 7 hens measures 15'x30' and of course is bare dirt. I am wanting to alternate my flock between the new runs so they have a constant supply of green grass. The forage in the new pastures consists of random yard grasses, such as white clover, blade grass, yellow clover and small weeds like dandelions and plantain. Should I till up the existing forage and plant something consistent such as barley or timothy grass, or keep the variety of grasses and weeds already there? Any other advice on rotational grazing would be greatly appreciated.
I would not bother tilling up the existing stuff, just water it. Its hot.

The old mud should be tilled up and planted, else it could take years to heal.

You could also lay down hardware cloth or chicken wire to keep them from scratching certain places.
Consider training them to move back and forth between run and a chicken tractor. The latter you move about. Then reconsider how you mow. Make so some patches mowed less aggressively for greater diversity of plant community. Then move concentrate moves of tractor onto ground in peak vegetation quality.
Right now,where the grass and weeds are, the ground is hard. If you till it to plant barley or timothy grass. The ground will be soft, and the chickens will quickly dig it up. GC
I would leave existing ground cover. Turn current run into a deep litter/compost. Good luck with your expansion plans, and let us know how well the ground cover lasts with your rotation!!!

I closed off 3/4 of my run for the winter. Opened that area back up several weeks ago. The weeds had grown up to my shoulder height! This fall, when I close that section off again, I think I'll sow it to winter rye, or wheat.

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