*WARNING* GRAPHIC Embryo Quitter PICS (educational) *New pics 1st post

i used to have snakes( cornsnakes, sand boas and balls) and had mousicles and ratsicles in the freezer. Hey as longas we dont have any frozen relatives in there.

Thanks for the pics, unfortunatley death is a part of life. I really thought the little chipmunkie one was cute.
Cass, those are great photos (as are all of yours!). Do you have a biology background? Your analytical skills are great. I can totally see what and why you came up with for the cause of death.

Great job!
I have done the same thing many times, Cass. It's very helpful in diagnosing incubating problems.

Island - they won't stink if they haven't been dead for a long time. Just open them within a couple of days and you'll be fine. I learned that the hard way!!! On my first hatch I had humidity problems, so I had lots of quitters. I really wanted to open them to try to learn something, but I didn't get my courage up for over a week! I can't even tell you how horrible they smelled!!! DUH!!!!!! :eek:
That's excellent information. I have a weak stomach for strong unpleasant odors. I might build some courage to do this someone, and it would be so interesting to examine it in person. Thanks Skeeter!
I could see why you would say that. The little guy in the last photo here looks adorable. I just want to pick it up and bring it to life some how.

I love ducks. I constantly ask my husband if we can have a couple of ducks, and says no everytime. He thinks they stink, literally. I just love to watch them swim and walk
Wow, I did the same thing recently, but thought I was weird, so I didn't tell anyone. I felt I needed to investigate and I knew they were dead, but still felt weird about doing it. But I couldn't NOT look.
Wow, I'm so glad everyone was OK with me posting these. Thanks, all! And you're welcome!

rickihupp, I'll be interested to see what your quitters look like.

island.girlie, I think since I opened them up pretty quick I avoided a smell issue. I have an acute sense of smell too and will toss my cookies from really obnoxious odors.

Mahonri, I guess feeding them the eggs that quit would be OK except maybe in the case of the bacterial infections? I'd wonder about those eggs.

kodiakchicken, no, I don't have any sort of biology background (unless you count the 36 gerbils I had as a teenager - I was breeding them to achieve certain color traits!). But, I am highly inquisitive and always put a lot of research into projects like this.

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