*WARNING* GRAPHIC Embryo Quitter PICS (educational) *New pics 1st post

Hey thanks for the pics. I did a project with 4-H and we had to crack open eggs that were from different stages of developement (it didn't gross me out too much but they were still alive
). It was very informative but the embryos, obviously, died.
Cass - only you could make a "quitter" look like art. I love that first picture of the days old embryo with the flashlight under it. It's facinating.

Thanks for posting the pictures. They are awesome!
Very interesting and educational. I think it's important to do this in order to learn more about hatching eggs; you can decide whether the quitters were due to a malfunction of your equipment or due to more natural/biological problems such as a deformity. In the end, research should result in better hatches and fewer lost chicks.

(I think the reason no one complained is because of your excellent thread title and warning. Kudos for being informative in the title!).
Skeeter 9 when you say "had humidity problems" what do you mean? I am hatching a batch right now and am trying the "dry" humidity method, but I think I too am going to have a lot of quitters. Can you give me more details about how dry is "dry"? Is there a certain % humidity I shouldn't go under? I'll up the humidity on day 17-18, but some of my eggs on candling this AM (day 10) look like they have stopped.
thanks for showing those pics. i also was having a terrible time with my bator. i had two that made it to the 18th day. then the humidity wouldn't go up and after i put the plugs in thinking it would help i ended up with 105 . they stopped moving that day. i have waited. just couldn't throw them out. so after seeing your pics i said what the heck. i opened them, not that bad at all. thanks for giving me the courage to look.
it wasnt that bad to look at. it was sad to see the little chicks that didnt make it but atleast you found out the cause of death.
Okay Cass, Here is my quitters...I'll post...you diagnose





I am guessing that the greenish stuff is some kind of infection but thats about all I know
It's tough for me to say what exactly happened without seeing them in person. I really inspected each of my quitters from every angle to try and determine what happened.

If I had to guess, I'd say yes to bacteria on that second one. That's an icky color. The green I had in my egg was more of a bright forest green. It was odd.

The first one I can't see any obvious defects from that angle. Perhaps it was an internal issue?

That last one must have quit earlier on since the yolk was still runny. Can't say why. Maybe another internal problem.

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