**warning poo pix** cocci?


5 Years
Jun 1, 2014
Broken Arrow, ok
Have a 19 week old BR who hasnt laid yet and another pullet age unknown. We guess at approx 12 weeks. Noticed this poo today. I have been using raw apple cider vinegar in the water for months. Is this cocci? Im going to start treatment once my daughter goes to school. Any help would b appreciated.

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Since you do have a younger bird/birds it would be wise to treat with Corid. Chickens do develop resistance as they get older but they are never totally immune, older birds can and do come down with coccidiosis if they are exposed to new strains such as when new birds or young birds are brought in, or if their immunity is compromised for some reason.

And no, it never does any harm to run a course of Corid. All Corid (amprolium) does is retard the growth of the cocci protozoa by starving it, it doesn't kill it all off. In this way the bird is protected from an overgrowth and has time to develop resistance to the strains of cocci in it's environment.

As a side note, do not mix ACV with the medicated water.

It's possible this could be shed intestinal lining but I'd not want to risk not treating them since this is not the first time very recently that you've seen this. I very, very rarely see shed intestinal lining. It's just always better to be safe then sorry if you even suspect there's a chance of coccidiosis. No reason to risk loosing birds. If this continues after treatment then you'll have at least ruled it out as a cause and can move on to other possibilities.
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I don't think that's cocci. Usually, you only have to worry about cocci with the little baby chicks. Are they acting strangely? Have you found more than just those two poo samples with the red stuff? I think I would just watch and see a bit longer before treating them. Sometimes chickens do have some weird poo. If you see it becoming more frequent, or if the hens seem to not be quite themselves, then maybe do something...
About a week or so ago I saw a white splat with red in it. I watched closely and never saw another until today. Now I could have missed it in the run somewhere I dont see well. If I treat anyways just in case is that bad for them? I did replace the water this morning with medicated. I do have some chicks about 3 weeks old I have had out in a separate but attached pen. I treated their water too. Also if its not cocci could it be from my oldest who is super close to laying?
I had poured out the ACV water and replaced it with the corrid water. I just use it since I had read it can help with digestion and I figured it would b helpful. Now that im treating with corrid I wont use it.

About 3 weeks ago we had to cull a sick bird that was part of a pair we aquired from craigslist. I should have just gotten chicks but we thot it would b easier to introduce older birds to our lone bird (her buddy was killed by our dog, long story). Well one of the pairs started limping and then she couldnt use a leg and then another. After some time seperated and in the house we had decided it was better to put her out of her misery. She was bad off. About 3 days later the other of the pair began to limp. We assumed she was going down the same road so we got 2 chicks from Atwoods. She never did show any signs of paralysis she just does the flamingo stance alot. Im devastated that ive introduced whatever the farm 'germs' were to my original bird. So much for thinking it was the best choice lol. Hind sight and all. I never treated them for cocci when I brought them in. We never saw any signs. They were very active! Of course they were running from me and the original bird :)

But now that I have the chicks that we are slowly introducing and im noticing more foot clenching and leg stretching and now the poo I decided that the corrid would b a good thing. Now if Amy(my original bird) lays while on corrid are her eggs safe to eat?
Since you do have a younger bird/birds it would be wise to treat with Corid.  Chickens do develop resistance as they get older but they are never totally immune, older birds can and do come down with coccidiosis if they are exposed to new strains such as when new birds or young birds are brought in, or if their immunity is compromised for some reason.

And no, it never does any harm to run a course of Corid.  All Corid (amprolium) does is retard the growth of the cocci protozoa by starving it, it doesn't kill it all off.  In this way the bird is protected from an overgrowth and has time to develop resistance to the strains of cocci in it's environment. 

As a side note, do not mix ACV with the medicated water.

It's possible this could be shed intestinal lining but I'd not want to risk not treating them since this is not the first time very recently that you've seen this.  I very, very rarely see shed intestinal lining.  It's just always better to be safe then sorry if you even suspect there's a chance of coccidiosis.  No reason to risk loosing birds.  If this continues after treatment then you'll have at least ruled it out as a cause and can move on to other possibilities. 

X2... I also rarely see the lining, so when I do, I treat with Corid *and* de-worm with Safeguard.

When we lost Poe we had thot mereks too. And since all symptoms dont always show we are still unsure. She would eat when you put her close to food. And when I say eat she wasnt just nibbling she scarfed like a champ. She was a small bird tho but had been since we got her. Her poo was normal up until the last few days it was green and grainy. We put her on vitamin supplements thinking that would help but it didnt. My hubby did do research and found out who provides the chicks for Atwoods in our area and they do vaccinate for mereks. So our new birds and the original have been vaccinated. It all comes down to these 2 birds I got off CL. And I cant be any more angry with myself for getting them from an unknown source. As a newbie I really thot I was making the right decision. It wasnt until I started thinking about everything they could have been exposed to and not vaccinated against that I just introduced to my bird. :( im really praying that im just being paranoid, especially since she has shown no other symptoms. And since Amy hasnt shown any odd behaviors except she doesnt really want to b petted or picked up lately. She runs but I just figured she is pissy since she is fixin to lay. And she may still be mad at me for bringing in new birds lol. She is such a jealous bird :)

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