Washing Bearded birds for show?


12 Years
Oct 5, 2007
I am planning on showing my Faverolles in March and need to wash them. I have some of the basics down from other threads but how do you wash and dry your birds beards? Food gets stuck in some of my girls and boys beards and its hard to get it out. Also what type of soap or cleaning product to you use? I have heard lots of diffrent things. I am terrafied of injuring my birds eyes I already have a Beautiful cockerel whose eyes were injured at his previous home so he cannot be shown but has to be a breeder and stay at home.

Here is a picture of the beards I am talking about.




I washed my Silkies and Frizzled Cochins for show and I used "Coopers Best" animal shampoo that I bought from Seminole Feed store. It is a multi-purpose animal shampoo. Then I used the blow dryer to dry them off.
Thanks so much for the input. I might have to go pickup some pet shampoo at the pet store. I trial washed them this afternoon with a tiny bit of natural dishsoap and warm water and then used a blow dry and gently towling to dry them off. It seemed to work fairly well so I may just do that they look good now.

Any puppy or kitten shampoo is safe and works well. If using a blue shampoo for whites DO NOT pour on full strength. Dilute it in water, the color will get into the quills of new feathers and will not wash out, thus giving your white bird a blue or purple cast. I have seen Many a purple/blue bird at the shows, and no they were not lavenders!
Brody's Broodello :

Any puppy or kitten shampoo is safe and works well. If using a blue shampoo for whites DO NOT pour on full strength. Dilute it in water, the color will get into the quills of new feathers and will not wash out, thus giving your white bird a blue or purple cast. I have seen Many a purple/blue bird at the shows, and no they were not lavenders!

Ok sounds great I will have to go get some. Ha ha purple chickens hope I see one at the Susquehanna show
Thanks so much for the input. I might have to go pickup some pet shampoo at the pet store. I trial washed them this afternoon with a tiny bit of natural dishsoap and warm water and then used a blow dry and gently towling to dry them off. It seemed to work fairly well so I may just do that they look good now.


I wrapped mine in a towel when getting them out of the sink (kitchen sink) that I washed them in. It soaked up a lot of the extra water, then the blow dryer did the rest. They dried pretty quick. I also put them in an off the ground pen after that so they could not dust in the dirt. It seemed to work pretty good. I did have to wash off a few tail feathers around the vent right before going to the show, but it was really quick.
Thanks so much for the input. I might have to go pickup some pet shampoo at the pet store. I trial washed them this afternoon with a tiny bit of natural dishsoap and warm water and then used a blow dry and gently towling to dry them off. It seemed to work fairly well so I may just do that they look good now.


I wrapped mine in a towel when getting them out of the sink (kitchen sink) that I washed them in. It soaked up a lot of the extra water, then the blow dryer did the rest. They dried pretty quick. I also put them in an off the ground pen after that so they could not dust in the dirt. It seemed to work pretty good. I did have to wash off a few tail feathers around the vent right before going to the show, but it was really quick.

How many days before the show did you wash them? I am thinking like 4 or 5 days before would be good mine will be kept in a very deeply shaving filled coop. They are also feather footed like cochins and silkies. I don't have a cage off the ground but a closed coop with lots of shavings. Hope that will work.

I washed mine about 5 days before the show. They were all the feather footed type too. I had to wash their vent area the morning of the show (and dry with the hair dryer) because I think the poultry conditioner food I was adding to their food gave them loose droppings I think. The shavings should work for them, but I would keep an eye on the shavings and make sure they don't get wet or too messy that it would stick to their feet. Almost forgot, part of the reason for putting them in the smaller pen was to get them used to it, so they are not real jumpy if someone approaches at the show.
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