Washington State Dep. of Wildlife---AHHHH!! They wont help!!


Try this:

That Link is great!! Thank you!!
I shouldn't have read this tonight! My husband and sons are out camping in Lake Stephens area tonight on a father/son outing at our church's property! My boys are little--6 and 2!

I hope you can get someone to help you take care of the problem! We are further south, almost into Bothell, so we have our share of coons and possums but nothing bigger that I've seen to get the chickens (and I think my chickens can take out the neighbor's chihuahuas
We haven't seen/heard it for awhile so I think your hubby and kiddos should be ok!!

My boyfriend just moved up here from Bothell, and man he would get some HUGE coons in his yard!! But I am pretty sure his cats always chased them off haha!!
#1 reason I left Washington after 25 years. The Seattle Metro area has WAYYYYY too much control over the "REAL" State of Washington. Whack jobs doesn't come close. I heard it as "Washington has been Californicated". If this offends you, maybe you should look in the mirror and consider the stupid laws passed by a bunch of idiots who don't have a clue how the "REAL" world works.
Lets hold hands now and sing, okay.

My earlier comment about the poor cougar having "rights" was a poor attempt at being facetious. Since when is an animals life more valuable than any human. Even the whack jobs.
#1 reason I left Washington after 25 years. The Seattle Metro area has WAYYYYY too much control over the "REAL" State of Washington. Whack jobs doesn't come close. I heard it as "Washington has been Californicated". If this offends you, maybe you should look in the mirror and consider the stupid laws passed by a bunch of idiots who don't have a clue how the "REAL" world works.
Lets hold hands now and sing, okay.

My earlier comment about the poor cougar having "rights" was a poor attempt at being facetious. Since when is an animals life more valuable than any human. Even the whack jobs.

First, I do not live in Washington State--I live in Oregon, their southern neighbor. We have a home in the city and one in a small coastal town. I was born and raised in New York City and spent summers in a country home upstate with many predators close by--cougars, bears, etc. I vote in every election.

I have to say I sympathize with you and folks who live near wildlife. I do however, do not think it is appropriate to say Seattle is not the "real state" of Washington or call any one a "whack job." May I ask how are you qualified to make such assumptions? I also am not sure that those who live in the country are the only ones who know how the "real world" works. Large cities actually have a lot of influence in the real world and pay a high percentage of the taxes which pay for various amenities for the state. It is also true that many city dwellers are fully aware of the plight of the rest of the world and vice versa. It also insinuates that Seattlilites do not care about the rest of the state's population. I find that to be a bit presumptuous. I also believe people who choose to live near wildlife need to be aware of the dangers and take proper precautions. If I saw a cougar attacking a person you bet I would shoot the cougar, but I would not kill it otherwise. I think if all wildlife is relocated when folks moved into their territory I would have to wonder where it would end? The balance of nature is complex and reaches far and wide. If we continue to change it for our needs all the time than we will kill our planet (we actually are already).

Its not black and white--it is shades of gray. If folks only think of where they live (country or city) then who should look at the big picture and make the hard choices? If not the general public then I would recommend impartial experts. Those who gain or lose nothing--or it will always be suggested the other "side" decided.
Well, yeah, it is black and white. Do I let my kids/livestock/pets be killed/maimed by a cougar or do I take care of the cougar? How can that be a grey area?
As for "whack jobs". I'd like to take a few whack jobs way out in the Cascades, where I pretty much lived, and see just how they survive. I'll bet at the end of a long winter in the mountains, if they survive, they'd have a different outlook on the STUPID laws passed by those who.............................DON'T HAVE A CLUE!!

IMPARTIAL EXPERTS?! There is no such thing. I have my agenda you have yours. And only people with the "right" agenda (who's right?) are picked to make decisions for those who, if asked, do actually know. Did they go to some University and earn a degree? Nope. They earned theirs in the school of life experience and first hand knowledge of............."the real world".
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