Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

My Oh My! I just read all the posts since last night (I THINK) and I'm exhausted! You were all supposed to be outside enjoying the day, not chatting up a storm! I saw so many things I wanted to comment on, but WAY to many to actually do without quoting about 50! I had a migrain almost all day so staring at a computer screen was totally out of the question! But I did manage to get a few things done. We're baking a turkey for Easter dinner, so had to get stuff ready for that. Got a solid floor, a roost, and a solid door on the dog house that will house our chicks pretty soon. So that makes me happy. Found out the chicks are scared to death of the lawn mower, even when it's shut off! So scared that all four managed to escape their outdoor play pen. Good thing they come running when I offer them cantaloup or we never would have caught them!

Beautiful Eggs everyone!

If you want older chickens to switch to nipple waterers 1) take away their regular waterer 2) tap on the nipple to show them that water comes out and hold their favorite treat up beside the nipple. They get the idea pretty fast then. Once one catches on they all come around to inspect it and viola!

LaughingFeather... sorry to hear about the stuff falling off the truck, but I know a place in Ballard that does CUSTOM PURSES!

Pips&Peeps.... sorry to hear about the owl attack, that is just rotten

Welcome to the Newbies! Glad to have you join us.

I know I've missed several people and/or interesting posts so please accept my apologies.

Happy Easter Everyone!
I have one more Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel that has to be re-homed (or something). He was hatched Feb. 25 and came from Cowgirlgrace. If you are interested please let me know. He is very friendly, too.
Wow, between relocating store and coop building missed a lot today. Welcome to the new people and Happy Easter everyone.

Those metallic egg dye kits are cool, the things you miss out on without younguns around.
Thank you for the tips! We have a nipple system set up. We have gutters collecting water in a rain barrel on the coop that leads to a nipple system. We also have a feeder that I am excited about. I will post pictures as soon as it is up and running.
We have narrowed our list of potential birds down to Ameraucana, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island, Sussex, Red and Black Sex Links, and Australorp. This is based on information showing the birds as docile, not too flighty, good egg layers, and things like that. I don't think that we are concerned with the number of eggs being laid as much as the fun of having chickens. I look forward to using this site! Thanks again.
I have one more Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel that has to be re-homed (or something). He was hatched Feb. 25 and came from Cowgirlgrace. If you are interested please let me know. He is very friendly, too.
stop tempting me!

we're culling our roo in the next week or so- enough is enough- he's got to go- to freezer camp!

I know we've got a Barnevelder roo, a silver leghorn, and I think we've got a Welsummer roo too. We're going to have to make some tough choices on who's a keeper pretty soon.
I can't begin to catch up to everyone's posts or quote and comment everywhere, but Happy Easter to everyone! (I'll see if my 15 yr old wants to color eggs with natural dyes tomorrow, and if so, post pics.)

The girls are all happy in their new chicken house now- and so thought I'd post a few pics:
Buffy, approving the new flooring- worked an awesome deal with Home Depot:

first night in the new Hen Hotel:

of course there's always got to be ONE non-conformist in the crowd:

My son had a blast today- he had a buddy over all day- they explored the woods, climbed trees, jumped on the tranpoline, played ball with our lab. We roasted hot dogs, had a bon fire, tilled the garden (now that the chicken pens are no longer in it) , and picked up a load of pre-cut seasoned firewood dirt cheap. Busy day here- and wow, I loved being warm in shorts and sandals again! I am way tired, but wow, what a great day!

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