Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Not that I have seen.
But then I have not tried to do so !
IF you want to cross a breed, and follow it through from gen to gen, to develop a new variation, then maybe, maybe not ?
What you'd need to do is study & maybe contact ppl that raise that particular variation of that particular breed.
guess gonna have to gosh fudge it, I'm curious now I mean if it's a sex linked gene you'd think it would beable to pass the gene on right?
Thanks Chickilady for replying so soon! We don't have our hen house yet but I will be in touch soon. Perhaps I can drop by at your convenience. We thought we'd start with 4 pullets. We heard you aren't supposed to have Roosters but I guess they don't enforce it. I would eventually like to have some around for meat. Our pen is about 20' square up near the wood but we don't have anything in it or on top for predators. By the way I loved your paintings! I do painting and mosaics. Gotta go for dinner. Chio!
The wind/ice storm we had in December 2010 took out our power for a week and one of the neighbor's trees fell on our house. ANYTHING has got to be better than that!

We have a huge generation that burns through 5 gallons of fuel in 10 - 12 hours. If the power is out for three days (as it often is) it would cost us $120 to keep the generator running just so we could plug in the incubator. That is a lot of cash for a bunch of cheap eggs! LOL I'm actually working on a method of using hot water bottles inside the incubator to keep the temp up. Last time I was able to keep it at 100.8 for 3 hours (then the power came back on). I agree though, if you are incubating eggs, there has got to be a good back up plan in place in case the power goes out!
Can I join?
SO, I finally took some pictures.............

Pigging out on a hunk of sweet meats.

Ducky LOVE~

Cuckoo Babies !

LOVE THIS BREED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I DID not go photo the cabinet incubator, the baby pens, the Chanteclers or the "Layer Flock" which is full of good layer hens, most of which are OEs.
AHHHHHHH So very cute!!!!And Beautiful!!!!
The wind/ice storm we had in December 2010 took out our power for a week and one of the neighbor's trees fell on our house. ANYTHING has got to be better than that!

We have a huge generation that burns through 5 gallons of fuel in 10 - 12 hours. If the power is out for three days (as it often is) it would cost us $120 to keep the generator running just so we could plug in the incubator. That is a lot of cash for a bunch of cheap eggs! LOL I'm actually working on a method of using hot water bottles inside the incubator to keep the temp up. Last time I was able to keep it at 100.8 for 3 hours (then the power came back on). I agree though, if you are incubating eggs, there has got to be a good back up plan in place in case the power goes out!
At least yours runs long enough so you could get some sleep.
Nothing worse than having to sit up in a cold dark house watching the gas gauge on the generator !
Our generator is at the barn barn, where the animals are, not here in this barn where we live !

This is the barn we just finished & we live in here
And below is the minibarn cabin we lived in for 3 years while we build the big barn,, and now all the critters have the minibarn.
The mini barn is10x24 feet, not small.

Yes, Janelle had a blue pullet that took Best Variety. She was very nice although quite young still. Janelle is getting really nice results from her breeding program. She has a good eye and makes good choices.

Best of show was a white Chantecler, was that the one you were thinking of? Bantam I think. I sort of spaced out at the end of the day.
Ciera did well with her cochins, too.

Erhard's bantam Welsummers were really nice, but their tails got wet and didn't show properly. He was pretty bummed about that.

Did you see that AM roo with the swollen cheeks???? Nasty bird. I was so shocked they didn't take him out of the building. I asked one judge about it, he said maybe a sinus infection and added, "I didn't even see that when I was judging." And that's why the birds get quarantined after a show. :-(

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