Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I am bored to death today !
I have done all my chores, cleaning & laundry yesterday & have nothing to do today !

I do not know what to do !
I am encapable of relaxation !

OK, maybe I'll go paint a picture or some fun crafty thing ???
I've been told I should take up smoking herb....................................but I cannot handle it, and just want to eat until there is no food left in the house.
Last time I ate an entire 1/2 gallon jar of dill pickles & then drank all the juice !
:lau  That was my first & last time back in 1984 ???

Nope, no herb for me !
Besides I have allergies & athsma.
Ah, what I need is wine~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~then I can sit still & paint....;)
I'll probably fall asleep if I do that.

Lmao oh man we need to have a party with you around even sober I laugh pretty hard

I have risen even tho was only 2 hr nap boy do I feel better- our new ordered chicks arrive luckily tomorrow - so I could sneak some sleep
Lmao oh man we need to have a party with you around even sober I laugh pretty hard

I have risen even tho was only 2 hr nap boy do I feel better- our new ordered chicks arrive luckily tomorrow - so I could sneak some sleep
After I ate all the pickles & drank all the vinegar, I sat on the couch cuz I was paranoid if I stood up to go to the potty I would fall down.
After a few hours I crawled on hands & knees to the potty ...LOL
This after 2 hits from my neighbor's home grown.
Next Biel hatch is the 5th, next Sulmtaler hatch is the 7th.
New eggs in the bator tomorrow: Double silver laced Bantam Barnevelders.

This is not my bird, but an example:

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Next Biel hatch is the 5th, next Sulmtaler hatch is the 7th.
New eggs in the bator tomorrow: Double silver laced Bantam Barnevelders.        :love  

This is not my bird, but an example:


I used to have a silver Lakenvelder who my mother thought was ugly- but I came across I think was called Buff Lakenvelder or Barnvelder - can't remember which but they are really pretty imo
I used to have a silver Lakenvelder who my mother thought was ugly- but I came across I think was called Buff Lakenvelder or Barnvelder - can't remember which but they are really pretty imo
The Lakenvelder is a solid colored breed, no feather pattern
****** A silver ____________________ bird is a bird with black & white, no gold, yellow or red.
Such as my Silver Cuckoo marans


A beautiful bird, and not my bird shown above, but not a patterned bird.
It is an either or bird.
A barnevelder is patterned
As is the Wyandotte !

This is a double-laced bird, and yes it is my bird.
And yes she is saddled.
***************** The other really gorgeous AMERICAN Chicken is the Wyandotte...which has been breed into awesome colorations & patterns.
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The Lakenvelder is a solid colored breed, no feather pattern
A beautiful bird, and not my bird shown above, but not a patterned bird. It is an either or bird. A barnevelder is patterned As is the Wyandotte ! This is a double-laced bird, and yes it is my bird. And yes she is saddled.
Ok it's the Lakenvelder called- Golden Lakenvelder (Not my bird but here's what they look like) https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/4593_038.jpg
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