Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Does anyone have just 8 different color 7/16 or even 9/16 (bantam) sized leg bands they might be able to throw in an envelope for me? Numbering totally unimportant, just want to try and be able to easily tell my girls apart once they are free-ranging!
I thought some of you might be interested in a progress report on the hen that's bullying my Littles. I put her in detention. She figured out how to escape and lay her egg in the usual nest box. When I had to put her inside at night she was "madder than a wet hen". Ha! She made so much racket in the dog house I was afraid she was going to hurt herself! But she didn't. Night 2 was better. Today she escaped again, even though I thought I'd fixed that, to lay her egg in it's proper place. She's tenacious and clever! Tonight she put herself to bed in the dog house. wow.

The rest of the flock has been SO peaceful! What a treat!!!

So tomorrow I'm going to let her in with the rest of the flock and see how she does. I'm hoping. But if needed, back she goes. I feel sorry for her, she's such a sweetheart in every other way.
Yes, but she is bossy mean & knowing you, she is spoiled.

She has a big ego, and humiliation & isolation will hopefully 'put her in her place'

The saying "madder than a wet hen " comes from dunking want-to-be broodies in cold water...funny !
So your bossy is in a dog crate or the dog house ?
I would never describe neem as "citrusy". Perhaps yours is mixed with citrus oil or lemon verbena or such, which are also insect repellants.
maybe....it really isn't completely identical to citrus, it is just the first smell I get, after that, it is a strange smell.
I had aphids all over my honeysuckle 2 weeks ago to the point they had curled & deformed leaves.
So I sprayed the entire vine.
So far, no aphids.
I worry sometimes that the oil in Neem Oil will suffocate the leaves, like Volk Spary does.
I use Neem & Volk for dormant spray now, too.
Does anyone have just 8 different color 7/16 or even 9/16 (bantam) sized leg bands they might be able to throw in an envelope for me? Numbering totally unimportant, just want to try and be able to easily tell my girls apart once they are free-ranging!
I have been using the little rubber band thingies kids are using to make necklaces with....available in various sizes and every color (including glow in the dark) at Walmart

This is the large size...but there is smaller too.
If you want some, send me your address PM
Oil painting I did, then I disliked it, so I sanded it down, then I painted more on it, now I like it more every day, and the exact opposite of my usual super-detailed water color

Hard to show detail, but it is very rough & 'globby'......I love the texture of oil paintings...and I usually end up going crazy making abstract globby paintings such as this.
The water colors are exact opposite.
Weird, huh ?
Hi all, wondering what you think. I live on the Kitsap Peninsula where it's getting down to around 50 degrees at night. I have four 6-7 week old chicks, two being Wyandottes, and two being Silkies. I just moved them from the brooder to the run part of my outdoor coop using the "playpen" method, as they are joining three one year old hens. Will they be warm enough overnight out there? I will post a pic of the hutch they are in. There is a small sheltered area in it to keep wind out. Also, will the field mice that live around the coop leave them alone? Since the chicks will be stuck on the ground for a while, I want to make sure they won't be in danger. It would be very nice to not have to bring them in at night. Any input is appreciated, thanks!
I thought some of you might be interested in a progress report on the hen that's bullying my Littles. I put her in detention. She figured out how to escape and lay her egg in the usual nest box. When I had to put her inside at night she was "madder than a wet hen". Ha! She made so much racket in the dog house I was afraid she was going to hurt herself! But she didn't. Night 2 was better. Today she escaped again, even though I thought I'd fixed that, to lay her egg in it's proper place. She's tenacious and clever! Tonight she put herself to bed in the dog house. wow.

The rest of the flock has been SO peaceful! What a treat!!!

So tomorrow I'm going to let her in with the rest of the flock and see how she does. I'm hoping. But if needed, back she goes. I feel sorry for her, she's such a sweetheart in every other way.

Wow... what a turn around in her behavior! I let her back into the flock this morning and she's returned to being an upstanding member of the community again!!!!

When the Littles are near she pretty much ignores them. If they happen to be eating something she wants she'll chase them a few few steps, but that's it! She acts just like the other hens toward them. I'm SO happy! But the true test will be tonight, inside the coop. I'm holding my breath but I'm cautiosly optomistic.

It's been even more interesting watching the Littles react to her. They were definitely expecting her old behavior and were giving her a very wide berth. They're relaxing a little now, but still keeping an eye on her.

I am so surprised that this worked so well! It's hard to believe that she understands what the isolation was for. After all it's not like being able to explain it to her. It's very weird -- but I'll take it! Thank you to those of you that suggested it. I was very skeptical.

@Chickielady she was isolated in the dog house which I can fence off from the rest of the run.

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