Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I think we have too many chickens for that method.
We'd have to wear hazmat suits to clean up the branches for all the manure left on them
I do not have very many and only 14 chickens
DRY INCUBATION QUESTION!! Hello fellow Washingtonians!! I am just about to put my eggs on lockdown! First time! Super excited! Yay! Anyway, I keep hearing mixed comments on where the humidity should be? I was planning on 60% but now I keep reading 70%. But that seems high?? I was wondering what other people in Washington do since we have the same climate. I'm hatching BCM and OEs if that helps. In a still air GQF 1602. I filled all 3 trays underneath and put a wet sponge in a container in the top with the eggs. Now I freaking out that I put too much in! Any help and advice would be certainly welcome! Thank you!!!!!!!!
DRY INCUBATION QUESTION!! Hello fellow Washingtonians!! I am just about to put my eggs on lockdown! First time! Super excited! Yay! Anyway, I keep hearing mixed comments on where the humidity should be? I was planning on 60% but now I keep reading 70%. But that seems high?? I was wondering what other people in Washington do since we have the same climate. I'm hatching BCM and OEs if that helps. In a still air GQF 1602. I filled all 3 trays underneath and put a wet sponge in a container in the top with the eggs. Now I freaking out that I put too much in! Any help and advice would be certainly welcome! Thank you!!!!!!!!
Lockdown humidity should be at least 60%. Higher is better.
Does anyone nearest Spokane now how to caponize cockerels? I'm going to try and learn but I would rather learn from a person than YouTube videos.
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Urgh! We have a rat issue again. Went 2+ years without issues and now they are back. I think the only one happy about it is the german shepherd. She thinks killing them is great fun and is how I got rid of them last time.
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Does anyone nearest Spokane now how to caponize cockerels? I'm going to try and learn but I would rather learn from a person than YouTube videos.
this was something I even had to google guess what it brought me to a page on here, there is a very well done photo layout
there is a great utube video
these are pretty graphic to someone who is not familiar with surgery Caponize is Neuter for all who want the more english wording.

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