Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Same as us down here
I just came in from the coop, as I shook the nesting box bedding out I found 2 of the white Orpington eggs I missed yesterday, so that's 9 for Wed.
The 3 1/2 year old "Granny" lays the great big ones
Anybody know if barely seeds would sprout in 35-45 degree weather? I'm trying to figure out if I can sprout fodder outside or not. :)
You could start a grass/ greens tray indoors and when grown enough let them have it. In the 35- 40's they may sprout, albeit slowly. Grass doesn't grow much when it's cold like it has been. Are you where it freezes more? Supposed to be frigid next week.🥶
Egg count is down to 2-3 from 8 girls. No lights. That's ok, they deserve a nice break for molting. Also, they were attacked by a raccoon last week. Down 3 girls since last month. Got stuff for hubby to install an electric fence. Darn coons! Planning to get some chicks in Spring. Hoping to brood them outside (after a few weeks( with a panel heater and/or plant heater mats. When do you think is the best month to get hatchlings?
You could start a grass/ greens tray indoors and when grown enough let them have it. In the 35- 40's they may sprout, albeit slowly. Grass doesn't grow much when it's cold like it has been. Are you where it freezes more? Supposed to be frigid next week.🥶
I'm in the snohomish area, (not really, but close enough) I'll probably wait until it gets warmer to sprout fodder, or grow it inside.
Egg count is down to 2-3 from 8 girls. No lights. That's ok, they deserve a nice break for molting. Also, they were attacked by a raccoon last week. Down 3 girls since last month. Got stuff for hubby to install an electric fence. Darn coons! Planning to get some chicks in Spring. Hoping to brood them outside (after a few weeks( with a panel heater and/or plant heater mats. When do you think is the best month to get hatchlings?
So,, how did the coon get them? whats your set up
I like getting chicks the end of May, its not all that cold out and at 2 weeks I can let then run around the run in the day time, with me supervising,,,

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