Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I'm very proud of my girls. This afternoon I caught all 3 of my LF pullets, one after the other, and held them so they could be petted by 3 toddlers. The 2 year olds were very nice about petting the birds. I even had to stop one from giving a chicken a kiss.
They weren't running from me so fast that I had to chase them, I just slowly cornered them and picked them up. None of them tried to bite!

Well today was a long day for me and I decided to take a few pictures of the animals before I went to get the kids from school. I hope ya'll don't mind, there are just a few I would like to share........

These are my three teen girls that I am waiting on eggs from. They were hatched from eggs I bought from 4HPoultry mom I think.

This awsome guy was sitting on top of my silo (sp?) yesterday.

All the pics of chicks are the EE's and White Leghorns that I ordered and got on 1/2/13.

Two of those teens again.

Black kitty is Bently and white girl is Shelby. Both shelter kittys and the best cats I have ever had or met.

Little Mr. Ratchet

My baby Jazz and Ratchet.

Some of the girls!

Very happy pigs.

I have always taught my dogs to sit for pictures from a young age. Ratchet is doing great with his training.

Look at Barricade trying to get Jazz to play. That face is to great! You would never know that boy was in pain.

This is the one Rooster I got from the same hatch as my teen girls.
I hope ya'll enjoyed my over load of pics.
CR, If I wasn't packing this weekend for Hawaii I would have loved to come hang out and get to know ya better. I gots to get all the chicken stuff in order so my son's friend that is staying with us can be ready to do chicken chores.

JennS, that's awesome that they didn't peck. Keep trying to do this every day with them. Also afterwards, reward them with treats. Mine especially love raisins. I sat out on the deck today and hand fed all of them. I really thought one of the teen girls was gonna jump on my shoulder, she was really looking, but never did. They are still a little nervous around the big kids when they are all that close.

Has anyone heard from CowGirlGrace? I noticed she hasn't been on in a while in the mornings when I get home and check up on here. Her and JB were always on in the early am. But not in a while. I know JB has been on a couple of times, but a little concerned about CGG.
Farmin Mama: I love all those pics! Thank you for sharing!

The lipstick joke is hilarious, and the mental picture of someone doing that... priceless!

I'm too impatient for chickens, I think. Everyday I find something else to "worry" about, is that normal!?!?
"When will my little boog-chooks start looking... normal... and less pre-teen?! lol! My big girls still don't have all their head feathers yet. And one of my chicks is a total chicken! No pun intended... And I think I need a bigger coop, like half the backyard! My big girls found the compost pile today! Oooh weeh! They were scratchin and peckin all over the place, I had to bribe em with fresh food to get em back in the tractor coop. Speaking of, my tractor wheel fell off yesterday, any suggestions?"

See what I mean, I could start a blog with all my crazy questions, thoughts, and findings.

On another note, I wanted to share some finds (not WA specific, but still good):

- I came out to a hole in my bag of oats the other morning, darn rats! Ordered these, only $12!!!: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Suncast-72-Quart-Food-Storage-Bin-Cats-Dogs/9606596

- Too many BYC ideas, that's all I can say: http://www.ebay.com/itm/261040679754?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
Ratchet has the sweestest puppy face. Does Barricade have hip dysplasia? You mentioned he was in pain. He sure has a big smile on his face in the photo.
Does anyone fairly close to me (I live between Monroe and Woodinville) have any extra Eprinex kicking around? It's time for me to treat my girls and I don't need very much, so I was wondering if anyone has too much and would be willing to sell me some of their excess. It's too bad that it only comes in cattle-sized amounts. I just thought I'd ask before buying a whole bottle.
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Well today was a long day for me and I decided to take a few pictures of the animals before I went to get the kids from school. I hope ya'll don't mind, there are just a few I would like to share........ [COLOR=0000FF]These are my three teen girls that I am waiting on eggs from. They were hatched from eggs I bought from 4HPoultry mom I think.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]This awsome guy was sitting on top of my silo (sp?) yesterday.[/COLOR] Is that a heron? [COLOR=0000FF]All the pics of chicks are the EE's and White Leghorns that I ordered and got on 1/2/13.[/COLOR] Where did you get your chicks from? [COLOR=0000CD]Two of those teens again.[/COLOR] Black kitty is Bently and white girl is Shelby. Both shelter kittys and the best cats I have ever had or met. Little Mr. Ratchet My baby Jazz and Ratchet. Some of the girls! Very happy pigs. I have always taught my dogs to sit for pictures from a young age. Ratchet is doing great with his training. How do you get them to sit still when they are so young? Look at Barricade trying to get Jazz to play. That face is to great! You would never know that boy was in pain. This is the one Rooster I got from the same hatch as my teen girls. I hope ya'll enjoyed my over load of pics.
Loved your pics! What are the black and white chickens? Vickie et al in Kelso
Does anyone fairly close to me (I live between Monroe and Woodinville) have any extra Eprinex kicking around? It's time for me to treat my girls and I don't need very much, so I was wondering if anyone has too much and would be willing to sell me some of their excess. It's too bad that it only comes in cattle-sized amounts. I just thought I'd ask before buying a whole bottle.
You can have some of mine. I just got a new bottle. If you have something to put it in, you are more than welcome to it.

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