Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

This afternoon will be coop cleanout time. It's mega bad right now. Don't look forward to it. I'm gonna use a bucket and take it all to the trash can though, instead of trash bags. Those get way too heavy.
So... anyone looking for white silkie cockerels??? BOTH of them crowed this morning!

Anyone have a pretty silkie pullet for sale? Or I could trade 2 cockerels from Sheryl Butler....

This afternoon will be coop cleanout time. It's mega bad right now. Don't look forward to it. I'm gonna use a bucket and take it all to the trash can though, instead of trash bags. Those get way too heavy.

Ugh. I just cleaned our coop out and cleaned off the patio too. It has been frozen until today. Ew. Thawing chicken poop, not fun.

Jess, why do you put it in the trash? (here it would be illegal, but it's also a big waste of landfill space and fertilizer! If you don't want it, I'm sure you could easily find a gardener to take it off your hands. We pay a ton for trash removal, I would hate to pay to have all of that hauled off with the trash)
I'm still here!
Cleaning the coop on these cold days is not fun at all. But I will be doing the same thing today. I will be cheating though, I use the backhoe. Scoop all the yuck into the backhoe bucket and find some where to dump it!
Jess, why do you put it in the trash? (here it would be illegal, but it's also a big waste of landfill space and fertilizer! If you don't want it, I'm sure you could easily find a gardener to take it off your hands. We pay a ton for trash removal, I would hate to pay to have all of that hauled off with the trash)

I have no inclination to compost it so I use the green waste trash bin. I just don't have time! My kids are the priority and I don't have the know-how or time to get the garden started, so we can't use it anyway. Question though...could I put all that poop and shavings in one corner of the garden and just spread it out? I currently have a completely wasted space of a 20'x20' raised bed surrounded by stone and all it grows are wildflowers and weeds. I don't WANT to compost, simply don't care. I know those are blasphemous words around these parts and maybe if I had more strength or help to get my yard/garden sorted out I'd want it, but I do need to get rid of it. We're even thinking of torching all the weeds in the garden so they don't grow up again in the spring. It's just a mess. I'll take a pic and post it.

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