Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I know this is a big long shot but I thought I'd ask. Do any of you have The Story of the World history curriculum audio CDs? We have the books already and John wants to read them MUCH faster than I can read them to him. It would be extremely helpful to have the audio CDs here for him to listen to! Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help track these down new or used for a good price.
Reminds me of the show Undercover Boss. Have you ever seen it? It's where the CEO of different companies goes undercover inside his/her own company to see what needs to be changed or improved. I watched one about 7-11 once and the CEO rode with one of the truck drivers. It's a great show!
Yes, I love that show. Didn't see that episode though. I don't watch it if there is a new episode of Gold Rush is on.
Or Axemen. See I know some of the guys on there.
I do have a question. Are those raspberry canes? Do you prune them?

CR... Yep those are raspberries. They are looking pretty scrubby this winter. We thought we were going to move the patch because of the coop/pen expansion so we started a bunch of new "sprouts". Then the pea vines shaded them all too much during the summer and stunted their growth. Ordinarily we DO prune them but it was a very minor pruning this year. Do you grow them too? We LOVE raspberries.
! Now if only we could afford a huge dump run, I could get rid of all the trash in the backyard that makes us look really...erm, trashy.
Good grief, I'm sure we would give you a run for your money on this!!! It's awful, especially because a lot of it is from the last owners.

Gosh I'm still just reeling over the size of that darned eagle!!! It seriously stood as high as my thigh!
That is so absolutely crazy! I've seen them in the sky and trees and even at the zoo, but never right in front of me! As gorgeous as they are, it would be very off-putting!

No, all the Pepsi is MINE
!!!!!!!! LOL I have a pepsi problem. Some people have several coffees through out the day, me I have any where from 4-6 liters of Pepsi a DAY. Like I told CR, if I don't have a Pepsi with me every one around me knows there is something wrong. Weather it means I am sick or broke it means something. It's pretty bad I know but oh well.
Man, my mom used to be the same way! She used to always have a huge refillable mug EVERYWHERE she would go. My dad's sister was NEVER seen without one in her hand. Both of them have done pretty good at decreasing their reliance on that drug, Pepsi!
Have I just po'd everybody under the sun or something? I was all excited last night to share my news about getting my coop & pen expansion done... early even... Posted pics, too. And did I get a congrats or a thumbs up from anybody? Nada, zilch, zero.

I'm sorry. I have a heck of a time quoting on the phone. I did see it and it looks great. That extra room is going to be much welcomed.
So...we still can't figure out what to buy to weatherproof the darned nest boxes! We filled in the gaps on the sides, and put weather strip foam where the lid comes down, but where the lid attaches to the coop we have NOTHING to keep out rain. I looked for a bike tube and couldn't find one. Nothing flexible is long enough. Can anyone think of something I can nail to the coop over the first few inches of the nest box so rain doesn't run into the nests?
Can you post a couple of pics? Then our ideas might be better.

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