Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Quote: That sounds like it will work! I'll PM you soon if I can swing by for it, or maybe we can meet somewhere. I'll let you know. Thanks!!
Quote: Travis what exactly is roof flashing? I know you or someone else mentioned it before and when I looked at that at Home Depot it wasn't a flexible metal. Got any links? I totally see what you're trying to explain though, I just don't know if flashing is flexible? Will it go right back into position when the nest box is raised and lowered?
Roof flashing is not flexible. But there is a 2"x2" 90 degree flashing metal in the roofing section. You just could not open the lid and keep open without a hook or something to hold it up. I am on my phone at work waiting to get loaded, so can't do fancy computer stuff. Looks like a late night for me. Ugh
Geez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday, I had to take my Mom to the vet to help her let her beloved 14y/o Shih-Tzu, Skoshi, go and also heard my aunt had to do the same for her kitty. One of my former co-workers is going to be treating her doggy for lymphoma and just tonight I heard another co-worker lost her Chesapeake to cancer. Feeling majorly bummed now
all these pet diseases are just like the human diseases- it's the nasty stuff they put in pet (and our) food. I am considering making our pet food homemade. Even though we buy gluten free, soy free, corn free, grain free high-end stuff, I still feel it's not enough. The salmon flavored pet food is from farmed salmon, the chicken flavor is from factory farms (tons of antibiotics & arsenic), and the beef is from over-hormoned, over-antibiotic'ed sick dairy cows. Bleck!
all these pet diseases are just like the human diseases- it's the nasty stuff they put in pet (and our) food. I am considering making our pet food homemade. Even though we buy gluten free, soy free, corn free, grain free high-end stuff, I still feel it's not enough. The salmon flavored pet food is from farmed salmon, the chicken flavor is from factory farms (tons of antibiotics & arsenic), and the beef is from over-hormoned, over-antibiotic'ed sick dairy cows. Bleck!
I completely agree!!! We've been eating much better (room for further improvement), but I need to find a way to economically feed our pets better too.
So...we still can't figure out what to buy to weatherproof the darned nest boxes! We filled in the gaps on the sides, and put weather strip foam where the lid comes down, but where the lid attaches to the coop we have NOTHING to keep out rain. I looked for a bike tube and couldn't find one. Nothing flexible is long enough. Can anyone think of something I can nail to the coop over the first few inches of the nest box so rain doesn't run into the nests?
Is there a bike shop near you? How about any neighbors with kids. They may have an old innertube (for a bike) just laying around looking for a home.
How about an innertube for a riding lawn mower?
How about a piece of "door stop" (just a piece of wood 3/4" x 1/2") cut it to length and attach it above the hinge area with a slight slant. Caulk it and the rain should be diverted away from the hinge area.
Ohhhh I'm so happy tonight!!! The coop & run expansion is finished (except for painting and a few details). No more pooping on the nest box from the perch. And room for more birds! I can't believe it got done more than a MONTH ahead of schedule!! My DH is such a super guy!

It still needs to be painted but here's what it looks like right now.... The section on the right is the extension, it's a darker color. One of the big improvements was to put the door hinges on the sides. Originally they were on the bottom.

The secure pen was enlarged, too. It's the section to the left of the white/clear tarp. Now I won't be feeling guilty when they have to be locked in for a week when we're away. Lotsa room to waddle around. :)

OK! I did see these and actually looked at them for quite awhile getting a few ideas for a new coop (seperate) if I decide to breed Eng Orps.
This is where I need an embarrassed face to post.
Yes indeed, nice job.

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