Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Oh ok here's a pic. The side gaps have been filled so nothing can get in, but if you see the rain can just drip off the side of the coop down into the nest box.
You can purchase a "drip rail" at the hardware store and install it above the hinge area, drip ridge down, usual cost is about $7 and the length is 8' made of aluminum. Are you sure the rain is dripping down or is it being blow upto the hinge area by the wind?


This is one of my Cochin chicks. I can't tell if its going to be blue or self blue. I have both, but this one is making it tough. It's little Wong feathers are starting to come in. I know I will probably have to wait for it to grow a little more to see the color but, What color do y'all think it might be?
Ohhhh I'm so happy tonight!!! The coop & run expansion is finished (except for painting and a few details). No more pooping on the nest box from the perch. And room for more birds! I can't believe it got done more than a MONTH ahead of schedule!! My DH is such a super guy!

It still needs to be painted but here's what it looks like right now.... The section on the right is the extension, it's a darker color. One of the big improvements was to put the door hinges on the sides. Originally they were on the bottom.

The secure pen was enlarged, too. It's the section to the left of the white/clear tarp. Now I won't be feeling guilty when they have to be locked in for a week when we're away. Lotsa room to waddle around. :)

I like the flow of your coops. Are you going to extend your fencing under the new coop? Do your side doors allow you to sweep and dump your bedding out into a wheel barrow? Is the tarped area an open area with cover for inclement weather? What kind of watering system are you using? I've just been using the standard waterers and am really tired of the icky water. We have a duck and he likes to clean his bill in it. I would like to find a system that keeps the water clean and keeps them in water for more than a day or so.

I am wanting to set up a system where I can have several pens off of central coops. I like what I see of your set up.


Vickie et al
Kelso, WA.
CR...   Yep those are raspberries.  They are looking pretty scrubby this winter.  We thought we were going to move the patch because of the coop/pen expansion so we started a bunch of new "sprouts".   Then the pea vines shaded them all too much during the summer and stunted their growth.  Ordinarily we DO prune them but it was a very minor pruning this year.   Do you grow them too?   We LOVE raspberries. 
I found the pics Carolyn... It looks Great! It's always nice to finish a project :) and now the girls have lots more room:)
all these pet diseases are just like the human diseases-  it's the nasty stuff they put in pet (and our) food. I am considering making our pet food homemade. Even though we buy gluten free, soy free, corn free, grain free high-end stuff, I still feel it's not enough. The salmon flavored pet food is from farmed salmon, the chicken flavor is from factory farms (tons of antibiotics & arsenic), and the beef is from over-hormoned, over-antibiotic'ed sick dairy cows.  Bleck!

Yeah... I feed raw, which actually ends up costing the same or a little less than any high quality kibble.... And there are tons of other benefits (besides the obvious :) pm me if you ever want ideas....
So, when I went outside to let the girls out and scoop the coop this is what I found....
what is weird is that it appears to have shown up overnight.... I check the coop a lot, and the wasn't anything there yesterday when I 'put everyone to bed' .... But the girls, so far, have been laying between 11am and 2 pm...

Hmm it is a 'soft shell' right ? They obviously ate it, it was in the opposite corner of the coop from the best boxes.... Should I be checking everyone for anything? I know these are all pretty young hens (6-8 months) ....
Yeah... I feed raw, which actually ends up costing the same or a little less than any high quality kibble.... And there are tons of other benefits (besides the obvious :) pm me if you ever want ideas....

This is why I want to do the chickens! One dog loves anything food I give him (except the halibut .... First time he wouldn't eat it ..... Was hilarious! He pulled his lips up really high and tried rolling in the halibut piece I gave him :lol:) the other dog is going to take more convincing .... He doesn't believe anything but the occasional beef bit should be raw. I figure even just feeding half and half is better than nothing. :)
This is why I want to do the chickens! One dog loves anything food I give him (except the halibut .... First time he wouldn't eat it ..... Was hilarious! He pulled his lips up really high and tried rolling in the halibut piece I gave him :lol:) the other dog is going to take more convincing .... He doesn't believe anything but the occasional beef bit should be raw. I figure even just feeding half and half is better than nothing. :)
sometimes it helps if you give it frozen... I notice on some foods the are sensitive to the texture... And eating it frozen gets them to eat slower and it also satisfies the chewing desire ( if you haves chewer) and basically gets a dog to eat new things :) I have 4 gsd's who happily chow down frozen trout, but won't touch it if it is thawed out....

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