Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Nope, can't fly...they afeared of height.

Only quack when they see the food bucket coming their way.

hmmm I should look into getting some of them. My ducks are determined to wait til i'm not paying attention and fly off. They tried it once but one of my dogs jumped to grab it and sent it flying back into the chicken coop. The duck wasn't hurt, but i nearly had a heart attack. Living in the city I cannot have my feathery pets flying off.
My broody moved her nest today. She's usually on the left side of the wide nest box, today she's all moved over to the right side. Weirdo. I'm sure glad she doesn't have real eggs! Hoping she won't kill the chicks by leaving them alone, she sucks at keeping the eggs fully under her LOL
I have a pullet who is 5 months old and laying what I call "big girl" eggs compared to her sisters who are still laying pullet sized eggs. I have noticed her numerous times go back into the coop in search of her eggs. I caught her digging for them right after I took 3 she was sitting on. Im sure only one was hers because I collect twice a day but nonetheless, she wasn't too happy. If I let any of my girls have babies this year, it will probably be her. she even did that with two separate nests one time. back and forth looking for her eggs. Last week, she even jumped off her freshly laid egg and went straight into another nesting bucket. Poor thing wants some eggs. They grow up so fast
I'm new to the forum, thought I'd say hi to the peeps on WA. I'm in the Maple Valley (South King County) area. We built a small coop last year for our first 6 chicks, and are in the process of building a larger coop and increasing our flock now that we're moved to some acreage.
I'm fairly close to you, in East Renton Highlands
I need to edit where the ameraucana pullet came from that is now laying for me. She came from poularde along with the cockerel. She's such a snugglebug and likes to ride around on my shoulder while I do chores.

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