Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

My chickens are all growing up! They're so big now. I took more pics today. Wow, what a lovely afternoon it turned out to be, too.

Jerk must be getting very close to laying. She's not squatting, but she's so red!

Butter is doing her Blackbeard the Pirate impression.

Masala struck a funny pose when I moved the phone around the pen's door.

The two white silkie boys spar constantly when they are loose in the garage. I can tell them apart right now because one of them has lots of pin feathers (I call him Pinhead, he starts the fights, too), but I don't know if I'll be able to do it for long. If anyone is interested, one of these boys is still available!


The other boy:

Both of them squawk and struggle when they are picked up, but they do not bite. They are nice boys so far, and are far more interested in each other than the girls. They know I bring food and water and walk around my feet, they just don't like to be picked up. But they will calm down once they know they can't get away.

I'm so bummed I couldn't come
Really wanted to meet you both!
Well with the talk of yuppies yippies and hippies do ya know the definition of a HIPPIE??? It's a Jack that looks like a Jill and smells like a John !!!

I saw this earlier. But, now that I'm reading it again, I finally "got" it. Sometimes CR, you are way too funny for your own good. I'm laughing my behind off!
Thanks to all those that gave me advice on how to treat Miss Kristine's prolapse, but I was just sharing. I have actually even posted a blog about how to treat it and the causes of it. Again, thank you though. Ya'll are so great and quick to respond when I need ya!

I hope everyone had fun at the meet up today. Really bummed that I could not make it and that I wont be able to make it to the IKEA one either. Just for future knowledge as far as meet ups I am only available during the week while the kids are in school. But for summer I am open until DH gets home at night. See DH is not really a new people person and won't ever go to a meet up also we love spending as much time together as possible so when he gets home I generally don't leave unless we are all going some where and vise versa. But I can't wait for a meet up that I can join. During the summer months I would like to have a big pot luck meet up at my house, weather that be here or at a new farm if we ever find one.
She's a silver laced Wyandotte. She came from Monroe Farm & Feed. I love how she turned out! Actually, I'm happy with all my hatchery hens. I'm sure they're not anywhere near the SOP for their breeds, but they are all pretty and have great temperaments.

I am new to this forum, as well as to having chickens. I inherited "the girls" from my daughter and have managed to keep them alive so far! I have 3 buff orpingtons that have given me about a dozen eggs in the last 2 weeks. I would like to try using them to help with composting as I read in an article elsewhere on the site. That will also be new to me. I have been container gardening but will be expanding to a standard garden this year and figured it would be good to incorporate natural stuff in.

Welcome to all the new peeps, yes I am from Oregon but the nice peeps here let me hang out and talk stuff.

Hi again everybody. As a newbie, I am having a hard time being patient for my first egg. Any suggestions on what I can do to help myself wait? Or any "tricks of the trade" to get them to start ;)

Also, since many of you are near my area and have similar weather and daylight, any advice on when you think they'll start?

Quote: They look real close, I would suplement light and do the BOSS and use unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar in the water(1tsp/gal water)
Sooooo, I have a LF Cochin mix that has a Prolapse
! I have not yet decided if I want to try and fix it or if I want to just put her out of her misery.
She has had this for about 2 or so weeks but I don't really handle my girls and so I did not realize that this is what was wrong with her. I did notice that she was basicly pooping on herself (butt fluff has white poo stuck to it.) but could not catch her to figure it out. Finally I caught her yesterday and flipped her upside down to check out her rump.There it was, a little bit of pink blob sticking out just a bit. Because she has not been feeling well plus a bit of poo, her tail feathers are hanging down, which is a good thing, that way the other chickens do not see the PINK sticking out. If they did they would peck at it until it bled and would make things a lot worse.

What to do, what to do!?
Preparation H and what KMHunter said
Quote: Drama is not fat, she would be fine on it. She is just the second largest breed out there is all.
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