Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hi back Lady! I have a painting for your walls when you are ready. Justa lette me know. I will come with gf food and stuff for new home.

SOON, I promise, we are coming to Oly to shop & we WILL stop in for a tea.
No lunch, as DH loves to hit the REAL pizza parlor when we are out, it is his treat.
The rest of the time he has to eat my (icky) GF pizza, a hard hard thing for a pizza prince.
His Dad started Round Table, brick Oven, Pizza Pantry and the famous Brahauben Pizza Parlor in South City, CA.
DH was RAISED on excellent pizza !

So we will stop in to visit a while & have a tea, see how you are getting along !
Well today I pretty much finished the coop and enclosure for the chicks. It's been an interesting exercise. I carved out an area that is the run for my hens. The big dog house is now sitting under an apple tree and I made fences that have 2 layers that are 6-8 inches apart so nobody from either side of the fence is going to poking their head where it doesn't belong. The overhead protection against hawk attackes was the biggest challenge. I can't cover an area that has an apple tree growing in it, but worrying about a hawk cruising in and nabbing a couple of little chicks isn't on my agenda either. So I used the bird netting I already had and tied it to branches and fences with string as best I could. It looks messy but covers most of the area, high enough that DH and I won't be decapitating ourselves if we're careful. The bit of open air that remained has a few CDs hung from the tree to (hopefully) scare any hawks away. I sure hope it works!

The chicks were out there until 7:30 but they didn't go inside their coop except to eat. Earlier I put their food inside their coop hoping they'd get acquainted with their new home. It was funny because for several hours they refused to go in even to eat. When they got really hungry I put some of their wet chick feed on my finger and lured one of the hungry little buggers inside. They were hungry enough they finally hopped in and chowed down. It was pretty funny! Later they went in and out like it was no big deal. But they didn't understand that they were supposed to go in there at dusk. I guess I'll have to put them in there myself until they get the idea, right? And will I have to teach them to use the perch that's in there, too? Although they hop onto the perch that's in the indoor pen, and they nap there, they spend the night on the floor in a huddle.

How do others teach these basics to their hand-raised chicks? Or do they figure it out on their own?

Is anyone putting 5-week old chicks outside yet without any heat???

Any younger than 5-weeks?

I let all chicks go out if they want to, from 3-weeks on, and if they get chilled, they can get back inside to the heat lamp.
OK back to work for me !!!
Installing windows today since DH decided he will roll the paint, not spray it.

So why'd we buy the airless sprayer ???????????????

Oh, and anyone have any scaffolding ?
If so, let me know please if I can borrow/rent it ?
good news and bad news.

the good news is that all four of the eggs from our hens have hatched and seem to be doing great.

the bad news is I had the circuits to two of the broods buildings go dead. when I went to check the breaker box I found an unrelated breaker was burned out and arching. I shut off power, removed the bad breaker and turned power back own. still only one brood building working, but with just one batch of chicks going that isn't a problem. until later last night I went to check on things and power to the rest of the shop was dead. the only circuit working off of that panel is the one powering the brooder. I saw another arch, so I shut the power off again. I now am runnng two freezers and a brooder with extensions cords. I have 100 chicks due in tomorrow and am hoping that the electrician can get this going quickly
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I'm here for a minute. The kids are getting up from Siesta/rest time and we're headed outside for the rest of the afternoon! Beautiful day! I want to get some good pics of my sweet little chickies outside today too.
FM. I just checked out pictures of your new place.
I think you going to be much happier there.
This is based on over thirty years in the remodel construction trade compared to the other place your money can go to the things that make your farm a farm instead of to all the things that go wrong with old houses and the need to upgrade.

You have a lot of great possibilities there.
Lot of room for garden, berries, animals etc.

You are blessed!
Hi everyone! I am also from WA. Kinda late in finding this aren't I? Anyhow, I just found out one of my chickens is broody! So that means chicks! Anyone know where I can find fertilized eggs for my girl to set? I live in the monroe/redmond area. I am a complete newbie when it comes to chickens, so any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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