Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

For me.. no beer -- zero - none - can't have it.

I really like beer.

Buggahs! well no use crying over spilled beer. Be good and git to feelin' betterish
yes, if they are viable.
Well, then I'm glad my 2 girls are not interested in sitting on their eggs.
They rather go make a mud puddle and see if a worm pops out,

or run to the nearest water tub at top speed for a sip and a dunk...
pronto...just in case the water tub dries out while they were not looking.
They remind me of Alice in Wonderland's bunny.

Quote: Sorry, I don't know the solution for that.
In the past I tried using safety goggles for sanding & painting and like you said no go.
Tell you this much, if they not fogging up you aren't working. LOL!

I do know wearing that second wet mask solution works as every once in a great while I have to use it on paint jobs that due to the way the job site is laid out the proper amount of ventilation is not attainable so to much paint is left in the air while back rolling.

If I were you to counter your situation I'd try doing two jobs while doing your insulation work.
Not only would it give your eye's a rest it helps switching off muscle groups.

Like I tell people it does no good to get a job done if you are to wiped out the next day to continue working.

That is why I tell homeowners who paint to place their roller in the paint pan wrapped in visqueen and go do something else and then come back to rolling out your ceiling
The visqueen allows you to not have to clean up your equipment and the time away allows your muscles to not start inflammation.
I have had homeowners tell me after rolling out ceilings they had to go to the chiropractor which doesn't surprise me.
Like insulation that is using muscles one doesn't use.

Even though I do it for a living I still 30 years later have to take a day off sometimes when I been back rolling ceilings for days after texturing due to scheduling.

Listen to your body and you'll get much more work done in the end while the others are at the chiropractor.
Well, they may not eat their own chickens, but if they eat chickens at all, after having chickens as pets, I find it very weird, and sort of cannibalistic. Like only eating your human enemies, not your own tribe.

If I were to keep chickens as pets, I don't think I could eat ANY chicken. But then like Matt said, I don't make pets of my food.

I could eat a dog if I was hungry enough. And quite honestly, I'm confused why Americans won't eat horse, but they eat cow!
if you tried to make friend with your chickens then you will find out that they can be about as affectionate as any dog my friend has a hen that follows her around everywhere, begging for attention
Well my girl is impacted. She woke up this morning and still had a crop full of what feels like grass. I'm giving her water with ACV in it, a little greek yogurt with grit in it, but she's not taking much. I wish I could get more grit into her! She just won't eat it. I'm massaging her crop downward as often as I can. She doesn't seem to be improving.

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