Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I have a question to those who might know. Is this Comfrey with the purple flowers behind the nettles? I never knew what it was. We didn't have it at any of my relatives in Hermiston. Mom says that they used to have comfrey growing on the ditch bank when she was a kid, but it's been to long and Mom can't get her email to work right now. There are huge amounts growing along the property line. The picture is from last year, I was trying and failing to get a pic of a bumblebee. The plants are only up about 6 inches or so thus far this year.
It is hard to see it in the picture but if it is Comfrey, the flowers should be bell shaped. Comfrey has huge fuzzy leaves that grow from fuzzy stalks. A new plant will grow from a small piece of root so the more you dig it the more it spreads. The roots also get huge as the plant gets huge. I keep my Comfrey contained in a raised planter so it can't take over. I copied the picture so I could enlarge it and it is possible that it is Comfrey, it is just hard to tell for sure because it is not a clear picture.
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RobB came by with his lonely chick and we introduced her to my chicks. They are a few days older.

Here is Lucky in with the Breda fowl. Can you find her? I tried putting one of my chicks alone with her in a separate tub but they weren't happy with that. They all needed to be together.

She found the water right away. The others showed her where the food is and they are all getting along fine. Hope your hen has a chance to recover.


That is Hilarious! I wonder how long it takes before the cat gets tired of the duckling being underfoot?
Quote: If you feel that it really needs to be done, I would do only the parts that are dirty. And I would dry with a hair dryer, then put it under the heat lamp. I wouldn't get the whole chick wet.
I don't know if I really will. I was tired last night and that just kind of flew out. My silkie roo however, I might. His bum is so fluffy and always seems to have poop stuck to it. I saw where somebody said to trim the feathers around there, but I am a little scared that I would do something wrong and make him bleed. Is there another way to keep his bum clean??
RobB came by with his lonely chick and we introduced her to my chicks. They are a few days older.

Here is Lucky in with the Breda fowl. Can you find her? I tried putting one of my chicks alone with her in a separate tub but they weren't happy with that. They all needed to be together.

She found the water right away. The others showed her where the food is and they are all getting along fine. Hope your hen has a chance to recover.

I'm so glad you were able to give Ron's cute little chickie a home.

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