Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

The Morning Grin

Pastor Ole is the Pastor of the local Norwegian Lutheran Church and Pastor
Sven is
the minister of the Swedish Covenant Church across the road. One
day they are seen pounding a sign into the ground, which said:


As a car speeds past them, the driver leans out his window and yells,
"Leave people alone, you Skandihoovian religious nuts!"

From the curve they heard screeching tires and a big splash.

Shakin' his head, Rev. Ole says "Dat's da terd one dis mornin'."

"Yaa," Pastor Sven agrees, then asks, "Do ya tink maybe da sign should yust
say, 'Bridge Out?'"

Ok you clever coop builders.... I've been toying with this idea for quite a while and I want your input. Trav... I think this is your fault having made your pallet coop.

Wouldn't it be possible to use several of these doors, attached to one another to make coop walls? Then painted to resist the weather? I'd even leave the door knobs on as decoration!
What is the downside to this idea?

They may feel that there are no open doors of opportunity!
lol... Just kidding... I think it would look really cool!


Just found the sweet littlest one fast asleep like this:

Once he's out, he sleeps like a rock!
He looks like a baby chick sleeping like that! So adorable... Wish I could sleep like that.

Well, I don't know if they took down my last post about the chickens I have that need homes. But I made the mistake of saying it was a list of the ones I was selling. Well I am on CL but here they are free to my peeps here. I just ment that those were the ones that were going and availible. So I got in trouble, never had that problem before but they must be watching us more closely here now sense someone unjustly taddled on Greg. So watch out everyone we need to behave.

PM me and let me know if you guys need the list again. But like I said my roosters and chickens are free to my BYC peepers here!

Hope ya'll are well. Really busy so PM me about chickens or if ya just wanna say HELLO! Miss you guys, hope to be on here more, sooner than later.

That is stinky!

So far we have 18 chicks hatched! Thank you Eliz! Only one appears to be mixed with something red, but it's still adorable! I need to take more pictures, but I've been inundated with projects and spring time events. The first chick hatched on day 18, and the last one hatched on day 22. Five eggs are still in the bator, but I candled them last night with no movement. I think my humidity got too low during lockdown, the last chick that hatched seemed almost saran wrapped by the egg shell lining, and the last 5 have overly large air sacs.

I decided that I would "try out" the "feather sexing method" and grow them out to see if it is accurate... excuse to keep more chickens? YEP!

I'm handling the bunnies the same way.
Lol... Now my D-BF wants a hog and he said I can get turkeys!
We need to move ASAP....
Right now the legacy is protected by the fact that there are six people on the title and no two of us can agree on pizza toppings at any given time.

Ahha, siblings...Gotta love 'em?  Do you get help from any of them on the farm??  That doesn't seem right that you should do all the work yourself!! 

Actually, my sister and her husband are the primary farmers; I'm old and clumsy and slow these days, and a brittle insulin dependent diabetic to boot. I haven't even visited the bigger part of the operation for years- I don't drive, and I have to have actual need to go down there (and taking photos of wildflowers doesn't count) before I can thumb a ride. From 1999 until the Nephew was old enough to be around when people were working cattle, I was the designated babysitter; now, neither my husband nor myself are dependable enough for the long day of vaccinating the other 80% of the herd.

The other family (my cousin and his wife) on the title of the Old Place contributes a tractor and occassional cattle-handling help. My BIL's sister is half-owner of the larger part of the place- like most multigeneration farms around here, there's a complicated, sort of Feudal Modern pattern of land ownership and employment. Three married couples have part ownership in undivided interest in The Old Place, my sister and her husband own the house that was my parents' and twenty acres of pasture and timber outright, and my husband and I own an adjacent ten acres of pasture and timber, while the In-Law's place is of unknown much larger size and in undivided ownership between the two of them. Of the eight adults living on the place, my husband and my BIL's sister work for the state, my cousin is part of a family general contracting business, his wife is a grocery store shift manager, and his mother-in-law is a retired teacher. I had a part-time work-at-home gig for years, my sister has never worked off the place, and her husband was a professional multi-certified mechanic before The Nephew was born.

We've been in a constant state of not enough people and too many chores for quite a while.
My one and only baby girl will be turning 21 in June. Time does go by so quickly... I was conscious of this when she was still a very small girl, and never got tired of admiring her sweet baby face and big brown eyes. She was always an affectionate girl and loved to snuggle. I was reminded of a few moments that I wanted to capture in time when she was little.
The following is a TRUE story.

One day when Lily was about 3 years old she was sitting on my lap I said to her "What am I going to do when you're too big to sit on my lap anymore"?
She replied, "Then you can sit on mine."
Touched by this, I asked "How old do you think you'll be when you're too old to snuggle with your Mom"?
She thought for a brief moment and said, "Probably when I'm 99".
Just when I was basking in the warmth of my baby's sweet response she added, "But by then you'll be dead".

My son (11 at the time) wasn't feeling well and I jokingly asked him if he wanted me to rock him on my lap. He sweetly and sincerely asked "Would I fit?". Of course, he'll always fit!

Same boy and same chair:

I love hearing stories like these.
RobJ - sounds like my dad's impression of us girls!

Slinglings - those past and present photos are priceless!

Sadie Sue - Adorable little girl and great story!
... did I miss all your shows?!

Quote: X2

Rhodies today - oh what a glorious sunshiny day!

Happy spring everyone!

Those are beautiful! My rhody doesn't look like that at all, it looks sick and malnourished! So much for my green thumb... I can somehow revive my orchid, salvage a rose rootball that was left in the sun for 2 weeks unplanted, grow some of the least hardiest of vegetables, but my rhody and lettuce hate me!

Quote: do the doors have hinges still? Couldn't you build a frame out of wood and mount all the doors so that they actually opened? Would make cleaning and airing out so easy! I've looked at free doors on craigslist and thought about this...
I like this idea...
Seen the Boston Bombers Mommie on the news ?
Boy is she a nutcase...insisting her sons were innocent & declaring she wants to JOIN them.....this after the kid admitted to the whole thing...sheeeeeeeeesh, the middle east is some booby-hatchery...why do we ...oh never mind....

I had to come back on line, had an egg order last week which the lady was a no show (or I should say a no pay) so I had an omelette
So was shipping to her again today, and once again she is a no show (no pay) once more we have a big expensive omelette.............................

That's over $60 worth of rare eggs...................so no more for her.
Moving right along...I am going back out to paint.
Looking at the tallest point of the barn & trying to figure out HOW we are going to get up there to paint,
and I spied a paper wasp nest about the size of a Granny Smith..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there.

OK...we can open the upstairs window, lean out & spray the thing !

Noticed a little while ago the yard is FULL of swallows.diving & swirling & eating bugs...YIPPEE for swallows !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later peeps !
Seen the Boston Bombers Mommie on the news ? Boy is she a nutcase...insisting her sons were innocent & declaring she wants to JOIN them.....this after the kid admitted to the whole thing...sheeeeeeeeesh, the middle east is some booby-hatchery...why do we ...oh never mind....
I had to come back on line, had an egg order last week which the lady was a no show (or I should say a no pay) so I had an omelette So was shipping to her again today, and once again she is a no show (no pay) once more we have a big expensive omelette.............................
That's over $60 worth of rare eggs...................so no more for her. Moving right along...I am going back out to paint. Looking at the tallest point of the barn & trying to figure out HOW we are going to get up there to paint, and I spied a paper wasp nest about the size of a Granny Smith..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there. OK...we can open the upstairs window, lean out & spray the thing ! Noticed a little while ago the yard is FULL of swallows.diving & swirling & eating bugs...YIPPEE for swallows !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Later peeps !
They aren't from the middle east; Chechenya was part of the USSR/is now part of the Russian Federation, and is in the Caucasus mountains. Crazy is crazy, as my friend in Armagh says.
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