Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Crazy busy week. Another 50hrs at work after tonight's run. Possibly help with set-up of the swap tomorrow morning. Wilco and Costco tomorrow afternoon. Bed early. Saturday, swap then date with the wife. Sunday, back to the grind. Looks like I will be doing the first shuttle route for the un-forseen future, which means 50+hrs a week. Yay me.
Hey peeps.....

I have been working on my pen this week. Got the roost setup outside, and they girls love it. They spend more time on the outside perch than in the house. I'm asking on freecycle for some corregated plastic to replace the solid roof with so they will have more light in there.

I'm a little concerned my EE is a roo. My GF said she heard a crowing from the broody pen and investigated to find it was my EEer.

I'm including some pics. I am hoping Matilda (Matty for short) is a girl that was just checking out her adult voice. I don't see spur buds, nor do I see any hackles or saddle feathers that are long and drapy like the roos I have seen on here.

VF, please smell (
) my bird and let me know your thoughts.

I really hope this bird is a girl as she likes to cuddle on my lap as you can see in the first couple of pics. She likes to follow me around. I would be really sad to either find a new home or send him off to freezer camp as the hubby REALLY doesn't want a roo. I haven't heard any crowing in the 4 days the flock has been together.

Thanks for any input.
Hey peeps.....

I have been working on my pen this week. Got the roost setup outside, and they girls love it. They spend more time on the outside perch than in the house. I'm asking on freecycle for some corregated plastic to replace the solid roof with so they will have more light in there.

I'm a little concerned my EE is a roo. My GF said she heard a crowing from the broody pen and investigated to find it was my EEer.

I'm including some pics. I am hoping Matilda (Matty for short) is a girl that was just checking out her adult voice. I don't see spur buds, nor do I see any hackles or saddle feathers that are long and drapy like the roos I have seen on here.

VF, please smell (
) my bird and let me know your thoughts.

I really hope this bird is a girl as she likes to cuddle on my lap as you can see in the first couple of pics. She likes to follow me around. I would be really sad to either find a new home or send him off to freezer camp as the hubby REALLY doesn't want a roo. I haven't heard any crowing in the 4 days the flock has been together.

Thanks for any input.
It looks really boyish to me. How old? If it is pretty young you won't see ant spurs growing yet, and you will have to look under the Juvie feathers to see hackle of saddle feathers. I have two boys and the one that just turned a year only has small spurs. The younger ones are even smaller. The redness of the comb, the male looking face and beak, and the color have me thinking roo. I am no expert, but I had one that looked similar and was a boy. And I think sometimes the boys are the ones that are cuddle bugs when they are young.
Are the legs bigger than your other chickens legs? That is another sign. Boys usually have thicker legs.
Bikerchiky, I thinks it's a boy. The feathers just don't look feminine like other hens I've seen, the dark neck feathers and red bleeding through on the wings, and masculine face just scream roo to me.
Crazy busy week. Another 50hrs at work after tonight's run. Possibly help with set-up of the swap tomorrow morning. Wilco and Costco tomorrow afternoon. Bed early. Saturday, swap then date with the wife. Sunday, back to the grind. Looks like I will be doing the first shuttle route for the un-forseen future, which means 50+hrs a week. Yay me.
Is this a good thing (pay wise)? If so, good for you! I don't understand the "swap then date the wife" though - something strange!
Hey peeps.....

I have been working on my pen this week. Got the roost setup outside, and they girls love it. They spend more time on the outside perch than in the house. I'm asking on freecycle for some corregated plastic to replace the solid roof with so they will have more light in there.

I'm a little concerned my EE is a roo. My GF said she heard a crowing from the broody pen and investigated to find it was my EEer.

I'm including some pics. I am hoping Matilda (Matty for short) is a girl that was just checking out her adult voice. I don't see spur buds, nor do I see any hackles or saddle feathers that are long and drapy like the roos I have seen on here.

VF, please smell (
) my bird and let me know your thoughts.

I really hope this bird is a girl as she likes to cuddle on my lap as you can see in the first couple of pics. She likes to follow me around. I would be really sad to either find a new home or send him off to freezer camp as the hubby REALLY doesn't want a roo. I haven't heard any crowing in the 4 days the flock has been together.

Thanks for any input.

That's a boy with all that red on the wings like that. Was it a hatchery bird? Most light or white hatchery EEs are boys.
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OMG it is hilarious to watch. They all gather round and chatter while eyeing the eggs. It really does sound like they are discussing it. Usually the rooster has the last word and then the hen will sit or not. I guess depending on the roosters decision.
I am not even gonna try and get caught up on all the posts I have missed. been a crazy day. took dad to hospital for unscheduled gall bladder surgery. doc said it was packed with stones and very infected. the managed to get it out and clean up the infection. hope to have him home by saturday.

on a positive I came home to lots of chirping in the incubator. 60 turkey eggs on lock down day 26 and things are looking prety good. lots of early hatching. at least a half dozen are out and lots of piping.
I am not even gonna try and get caught up on all the posts I have missed.  been a crazy day.  took dad to hospital for unscheduled gall bladder surgery.  doc said it was packed with stones and very infected. the managed to get it out and clean up the infection.  hope to have him home by saturday.

on a positive I came home to lots of chirping in the incubator.  60 turkey eggs on lock down day 26 and things are looking prety good. lots of early hatching.  at least a half dozen are out and lots of piping.

Hope your dad recovers fast!!
That's a lot of turkeys! What kind of turkey?

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