Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

When I had chickens previously, I purposely picked 2 that looked different, hoping for different colored eggs. I ended up getting one pullet and one roo, even though they were supposedly all pullets. This time, I picked 2 that looked similar. I still am confused about Buckbeak, as she has a much bigger tail and the hackle feathers seem to be longer and pointier. She does not crow, but does puff the chest out and flap, as if she wants to crow. The comb looks the same as Hermione's though. I am to the point where I guess I will wait and see if they both lay when the time comes. I just have a few weeks left. Also
. I seem to have not had much luck with these batches. 2 of my 4 white leghorns seem to be roos. And yesterday, I noticed that my little Andalusian was chest bumping one of the leghorns, so I am starting to have doubts about that one as well. Ugh. Oh well. The only thing, is DH says that the ones I don't want to keep will be going to freezer camp. I am a little worried about how I will handle that. I have never done that and it freaks me out a little lot.
Will the hubby do it with you the first time? Might be good to have some moral support?
My grandpa always grew watermelon when I was a kid, but we tried it last year and had no luck with it. Although, we didn't have great success with any crop last year, except zucchini and peas. It was hard with us both working longer hours. I am going to try again this year though, just to see.
Here I was, thinking I'm the only person IN THE WORLD who can't grow zucchini....

My Standard Of Perfection book comes today!!! Woot!!! Now I can feel more like a "real" breeder!

Does anyone here raise geese? I have a little flock of Pilgrims, and one who has maybe decided to brood is off her eggs (again). She's made 2 nests, one I took her off when I moved all the geese to their new pen 2 days ago, and now another one already in the new pen. Should I take the eggs to incubate, or is getting off the eggs normal for geese? I can't imagine it's good....

Thanks, and I'll take the answer off the air, cuz I need to go do something "busy" now, darn it!.

Hubby will be doing the processing, I will watch. I am hoping that it doesn't affect me too much. I feel a little braver today, thanks to a pep talk from Farmin Momma. It won't be for a little bit, they're still pretty young, so I am hoping that if I just keep trying to wrap my head around it... I just don't know. I sometimes wish I had been raised as a farm kid. Things would not be so foreign to me and I think that I would have a thicker skin. My grandpa used to process chickens and pheasant, but I was little and only vaguely remember. I will toughen up, I'm sure.
Whoa! Some serious night owls out there, but where are all the early birds? It's pretty lonely here this morning!

DS and DH are over that the pond for the kids fishing derby, and DD and I are lounging around enjoying the quiet. Aaah!

Congratulations on the baby duckies. SOOOOOO cute!


Goooood morning!!!
Hope the kids have a blast at the derby!!!
(yes, I'm still wound up from watching all those lil dots zipping around)

It has been exactly three weeks to the day that the new girls were introduced to my original two. I am so lucky to say it has been an incredibly easy transition, and they actually seem to be getting along quite well! I am so impressed when I find them NOT hanging out in their cliques! This is a perfect photo of them doing just that!

With the horrible, gruesome, traumatic way that our original Ameracauna died, I felt so unlucky. But then with the way these gals have integrated, I feel so lucky! I guess I'm going to call this chicken luck! I know we have chicken math, but I think chicken luck is definitely a thing too! These gals were getting along pretty well, almost from day one. And I have heard so many horror stories about introducing new hens to an established flock, that I was really worried. This might backfire on me in the future if I ever decide to add more because I might have the expectation that it will be easy!

It's all thanks to FirewifeJess!
Aww, thanks so much for continuing to post pics for me, I sure miss those gals but they're happy with you guys too! I bet it's actually less stress on them with fewer chickens at your place. I'm very happy integration went so well, I've yet to have a problem integrating anyone either, not that illness and problems don't arrive, but you can call me lucky too :)
Gotta get ready to go hang out at the swap. Prolly gonna end up bringing home something I shouldn't. And get to meet some more BYC peeps.

And later going to dinner and seeing IG Joe with my DW. (If you have heard Bill Engval, you'll get the IG Joe)
Can someone help me help this little one? This poor dear is shaking while curled up in my hand. I cant tell if its splayed or slipped tendon or something else. It can bend it and put weight on it, but seems to be in pain. Less than a week old, on starter crumble, water (with ACV & amprolium).

Please help...
The ducklings are finally hatching and the next batch is ready to transfer to the hatching incubator. I moved one over already because when I candled it had already pipped internally while one duckling is drying off in the dehydrator. I am trying to figure out how to post a picture so hopefully it shows up. Apparently the incubation period for Australian Spotted ducks is the same as other duck breeds. They are so tiny when they hatch since the eggs are chicken egg sized.

very cute
Can someone help me help this little one? This poor dear is shaking while curled up in my hand. I cant tell if its splayed or slipped tendon or something else. It can bend it and put weight on it, but seems to be in pain. Less than a week old, on starter crumble, water (with ACV & amprolium).

Please help...

That looks like spraddle leg, but I have never experienced it. I would search the site and see what you find. I know there is a bandage treatment and tea cup treatment for it.

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