Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Thank you for the welcome! I should have introduced myself, but forgot which forums I have and haven't done that on! Sky blue is just fine... If they wouldn't mind, could you give me the names of the folks you know? Pm is fine if it needs to be private:)

No problem, she's well known around here, although she hasn't made an appearance in a while. Super busy woman. She goes by CowgirlGrace on BYC, but her name is Lyn. . A text will generally get a response more quickly. She also has other breeds, but I don't remember which. Several of us have gotten birds and/or eggs from her this spring.

ETA: PM me for her number
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Quote: While I am not positive I am pretty sure that once a hen has been bred she will lay fertile eggs for up to about 2-3 weeks. It is my understanding that hen can't selectively decide if some will be fertile and others not.
However in case anybody wants to know YES honey bee queen can decide to fertilize or not. See in bees when the queen lays a fertile egg it will be F a worker. and an unfertilized will be M a drone.
I'm overly excited right now! I just purchased Gold Laced Orpington eggs from the UK. I don't know if it was a good decision or not. But I want some Gold Laced Orps!!!
OOOOHHHH! I saw some of those today I wanted them bad! they were so cool lookin!! Nice addition to your already cool flock! I may have to go all Chicken Rustler and do some midnight shoppin at your coop!!

Wow!! So many new babies! They are all so cute. I am hoping to have an incubator next year. Otherwise, I should have a broody or 2 by that time for hatching babies. I am SO excited for home grown babies. Today, my mom and I are shooting a wedding. I took my girls' senior pics last year and have done some kid pics, but a wedding is a big deal and I am really nervous. I guess there's nothing like jumping in with both feet. Please send good thoughts and/or prayers my way today. I am afraid that I am going to be shaky from the nerves. I really want this to go smoothly.

I gave the chicklets some rice and quinoa mixed with their feed this morning. I have never seen them eat so much. They were chattering away the whole time they ate their breakfast, it was cute. My parrots don't care for it as much, so they just got their regular feed with some apple slices today.

On Friday, I got visited by the swamp thing. Here are some pics:

He had mud on every square inch of his body, with the exception of where his underwear was. Had it been a little warmer, I would have just dunked him in the creek. I think he was afraid he was going to be in trouble, so by the time he came up to where I could see him, it was caked and more than half dry. Good times.
Those are the best times! Growing up in So.Cal we had to dig a hole fill it with water and mix in the dirt to make mud like that!! It was all good except it was usually in my Grandma's rose garden
What? That's where the best dirt was!
We found out what the paddle over the kitchen sink was there for
sure wasn't for decoration
!! Good times, Great Times!! He looks like he had a blast!! I could hang out with that guy I tell you what!!
We just got rear ended at a stop. Ow. Will need a new bumper and lots of Tylenol
Hope you guys are doin OK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should be on them regardless of if they are insured. Report it to your insurance Co. let them handle it. If they're insured no problem if they're not your insurance will take care of it then they will go after them. I had a friend that was in the same situation that's how it worked for him.
Just had to show off! DH and DS went to a kids' fishing derby yesterday, and DS caught a 16.5 incher, and won 2nd prize! Here he is with his catch and his prize tackle box.

Very COOL! That's a Great Fish!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone near Gig Harbor have some nice bright blue hatching eggs? I need one more egg to fill my incubator next week! If that one isn't a pullet, I could then be looking for 2-3 more eggs in late May. I don't really care what breed (EE, Araucana, or ameraucana), just want some nice bright eggs in my basket!
YES! cowgirlgrace has very nice birds she's in Key Peninsula which is in your backyard if you want her contact info PM me and I'll get it to you.
Hi, and Welcome to our group. You kind of slid in under the radar without any fanfare.

There is a good breeder of Wheaten Ameraucanas in Gig Harbor / Key Pen. But eggs from an Ameraucana or EE will be sky blue, not bright blue. Perhaps a cream legbar will be brighter, but they are usually harder to get due to the scarcity of that breed.
I want Bright Blue Eggs!!!
Quote: My hatchery girls are great too, but I'm sure there are a few bad ones. They certainly lay better than my girls from breeders, but that makes sense. (My JG, Araucana and BCM are from breeders. The rest are hatchery as far as I know)
Some of my best layers have been hatchery mutts. While I'm sure there is bad there is also a lot of good birds come out for the person just wanting eggs. One of the meanest roosters that ever ended his life here was from a well known breeder. I don't think I would go so far as to call hatchery stock "garbage" however there is no denying they are (for the most part) MUTTS ! ! ! And yes I have plenty. Right now I am getting my bluest egg ever from a mutt Am.
I am. We all start somewhere. :) and we all at the end of the day enjoy our birds.

Not to throw any combustibles on the fire, but that's the ugliest chicken I've ever seen.
lol, well he does remind me a lot of our old faverolles rooster, fatface.. he was indeed. Not exactly s.o.b. shall we kindly say. but so dang sweet.
which was why I thought perhaps a cross of favorelle and.. perhaps a jungle game of some .. sort..

They are $35. each. I don't normally ship. Too much hassle. However relays work well. Also since I am not able to read all posts right now. For any more info Please PM me.
Oh, now that I'll probably be able to pull together!! Even if my daughter also wants 2... or 3.. or
well, she's a shopper let us just say.

g'night all, I'm gonna go roll my lively lil incubator occupants.
(continues to stare at incubator for 2 more weeks.. )
can not wait!!! squeee!!! Keeps going this well, I think I'm gonna feel secure enough for my next batch to perhaps be shipped eggs!!!!

OH!!! does anyone know if red peppers actually help get hens to produce more? Bertha's still not kickin' in for the year. I wanted to get some from her and Hoss
but so far, zilch in the breeding pen
Got the pullets out of kitchen finally and into their training coop. The coop was a quick n dirty job, 2 evenings of easy work with minimal materials most of which I had leftover from other projects. They seem happy in it. Perches are branches from the woods, the white panel in back is corrugated plastic. Mostly held together with zip ties, the loose wire ends and staples: The door is a scrap of polycarbonate from the main coop project. Attached with zip ties at the top and latched with a hard drive magnet and big steel washer attached to the fencing: The view through the door:

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