Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hi everyone, I am new to chickens and this site. Glad to see such a strong showing from my state
any one doing fermented feed?
Welcome to the Washington thread.

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To all the new peeps!

Photo of Blueberry & her chicks this morning (one of the EEs is hiding under mama!)
So adorable!

It's been a LONG time since I've posted and haven't been in here much So, I've had many not so lovely things going on here...
One of my Silkie hens ( one of the two confirmed hens out of 6 ) started acting weirder than usual. She loses her balance as if her equilibrium is off. So I separated her, cut her crest a bit too see if she can see and have been monitoring her to make sir she can eat/ drink because I noticed she was too thin. I'm scared to death that she has Merek's, but so far none of the other birds are showing signs. I feel so bad for her and have considered " releasing" her but she is thriving and has gained weight.

After getting tests back from t the naturopathic doc I started seeing it was found that in addition to the celiac diagnosed a few years ago and confirmed recently, I am allergic to dairy and EGGS!!!! SOOOO mad!

Next..On Friday before last, I started mowing the lawn ( riding mower) and almost immediately got " shot" with something in my leg. I yelled bad things them kept going until I put my hand down and felt a bunch of blood and a hole in my thigh. After contemplating getting it looked at I decided to deal with it until a couple days later when I noticed a knot about 4in away from the puncture. Sure enough, the rads showed a piece of metal was imbedded and had to have surgery to get it out. That thing was 3in deep!

Then, to top off the awful last couple weeks, e had a bee swarm come into our house!!! Yes, you read it right! They came in thru a tiny hole where a junction in the roof is developing rot. One moment there was nothing, then there were a hundred bees in a room. Fortunately, they mostly stayed confined to that room. I called a bee guy who came and decided to go get a bait box to see if he could draw them out but by the time he got back most of them had disappeared! We sucked up the rest with the vacuum.

There have been other small annoyances but you get the point! It has not been very pleasant here lately! Gonna try to keep finding good things around to keep me sane and try not to feel picked on!B.t.w, I very much dislike this mobile site! Please excuse the bad typing!
Good grief is right! I'm sending happy thoughts your way. I hope things turn around for you.

Well, sorry its been so long since I have been on here. Ive been really busy with work and the new horse. Here is an update of whats been going on. Final count of chicks is 3. Took all the eggs away and have gone back to daily collection. All of my pullets have begun to lay and I am getting between 6 and 10 eggs per day from my 12 hens. I was able to find all my extra roosters homes so I am down to just Whiski, my papa rooster and his 12 hens/pullets as well as the 3 babies. My black lab fetched up one of my chicks and brought it to us. thankfully she did not kill it but did injure one of its legs. I have kept a close eye on it and she seems to be healing well on her own. May always have a limp but momma hen took her back and has been very good to her.

All of my horses are doing wonderful. Khlassi, my old Arab is summering at a friends house down the road like he has done for a past 3 summers. I have acquired another horse, an 18yr old overweight mare that I had ridden for a friend last summer. She was given to us a couple weeks ago because she was not being used where she was and our friend thought she would be good for me since the mare and I got along so well last summer. She is doing great and most of her extra weight has come off. the other horses are doing well as our pasture is growing good and everyone gets to graze during the day.

My job is going good. its very very exhausting but I'm getting use to it. Juggling work and home is still somewhat of a struggle. but the extra income makes it worth it.

I will try and get some pictures posted later of all the critters
Love the pics!

Yes you have!


Quote: Peeked in on Arbuckle and did a head count. I counted 3 for sure, but maybe a 4th. Yeeeehaw!
They are so cute, but I may be a tad biased. No chance for pics yet. Arbuckle has gotten very defensive and she don't care if it is me. LOL There will be time for pics, maybe tomorrow.
The JG are doing great, growing like weeds and putting on weight. Lots of feathers and need no heat. CL, you have an awesome breed line.

Quote: I haven't heard from him either.
I wanted to visit his beautiful landscape and see the willow fence.

Mertel -

MelissaG -

TPT - You are making me very interested in silkies... No more chickens, no more chickens, no more chickens (...until I move
Bummers, Arbuckle is down to 2 chicks. Apparently only hatched 3 chicks and yesterday it looks like she may have stepped on one. sigh.
The chicks snuck through a slight opening between the door and stud at the bottom and got into the big girl's coop. I had to open the door to try to rescue them but Arbuckle got there first. She clucked to them and the Blueroo came arunnin' into the coop, then stood there watching the hens as they all came in for a look see. No incidents and they all left. Arbuckle was showing them all around the coop as I watched.
Couldn't get them back on their side, so I left the door ajar and left. I'll check on them a little later.

The JG chicks are getting really large, really fast. Will need to start on their coop one way or the other. whew, this hobby as become WORK.
I had a successful hatch
so I have a dozen extra 100% English import orpington chicks, if anyone is needing some let me know. $10 per chick or all 12 for $100

keeping this one as she is out of my oldest hen, but you get what they will be

I have my daughter talked into switching to Blue Orps for showing stock, I'll have to see if she'd have the time to pop down there and have a look see

Quick someone buy them up before chicken math strikes me again
They're covering Orpingtons right now in the CSU thread. If she plans on showing them might wanna head over there and take notes. So many of them are just way too fluffy these days which is horrible as far as the standard goes, they shouldn't look like clean legged cochins!
Once again my plans for chicken coop construction and landscape maintenance were scuttled by the fact that I was out of several critical sorts of clothing and, not coincidentally, could not walk through the laundry basket corner of the bedroom.

And that the lone still-pregnant cow was in a corner of the place which is not visible until one is there; being as how it's sunny, it was not the corner where one can walk in the shade, either. And she's still pregnant.
I had a successful hatch :) so I have a dozen extra 100% English import orpington chicks, if anyone is needing some let me know. $10 per chick or all 12 for $100 keeping this one as she is out of my oldest hen, but you get what they will be
I have my daughter talked into switching to Blue Orps for showing stock, I'll have to see if she'd have the time to pop down there and have a look see:cool: Quick someone buy them up before chicken math strikes me again:lau
no such thing as chicken math, it doesnt equate!!!! and MattG lot of english birds get shown anyway, they win and they dont. depends on who is judging, usually if one is dragging the ground with fluff no it wont win, but sometimes. the word now is they want to see some leg from the hock down. some of mine you can, some you cant. so I still have a dozen, and my girls are laying like mad, 7 eggs a day, selling eggs to if anyone is looking to hatch some more. these are good lines from top breeders/importers.

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