Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Any Puget Sound area Wyndotte aficionados? If so, would love to talk to you about a gold-laced I have. Send me a message, or let me know if it is ok to send you one. </trying hard not to break forum rules>

Very Beautiful!
Goslings really need company - HOWEVER, it needn't be another gosling or even a bird. After predators took our Lizzie's sister and brothers, she became close to the dog (she was raised with her anyway) so it can be done. Humans too!
That's a COOL PIC!!!!
I get my new peeps this weekend! I'm getting some five-week old Dorkings!
Congratulations on your new peeps! I should get some of those then you can say the Dork got himself some Dorks!!!
I'm glad you feelin well enough for birds again!
Well, I'm not sure if that's the answer. Sounds much too Orwellian for me.
Not the answer just an easy way to stay together as Peeps for some.
To heck with that. But we're way off topic. Anyone else still setting eggs or am I the only crazy one?
Your not the only Nut on this Farm. I'm cookin up a storm!
Unfortunately, one cannot post to BST if you have made less than 20 posts. As someone relatively new to the forum (and chickens) this is pretty frustrating. I joined before I knew I'd have to remove a bird or 2 from my flock, and don't have an extensive chicken-related network. I don't have the experience or knowledge yet to reply to posts in a helpful manner, and don't really want to spam the forum with unnecessary posts just to get my count up to 20.

I'd be happy to hear from anyone that has suggestions on other resources.
You can post about anything here it doesn't have to be chicken related a few pages back some were talikn sewing and we even talk bout Ducks as long as they don't reside in "O" Oregon. (Right Travis)
!!! BYC has a ton of other forums as well some for just about ant interest you have.
Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a while, but this is my first real post. I'm in the snohomish area and have a few questions. I grew up on a farm in Iowa and kept chickens for years. Mostly layers and meat birds. Now my wife and I picked up 11 bantams (silkies, sebrights, polish, and sultan) but it appears we have a multi-roo situation. I have read a lot about keeping Roos of differing breeds, but want some experienced opinions on how to deal with this issue. Currently we have 3 sebright Roos, one sultan roo, and possibly two silkie Roos. They have been raised together since hatching but are getting aggressive in their small-ish tub. I have a 24 sq ft coop coming next week, and we built a 24'x8'x6' run that will be attached to the coop. Is this enough space to keep that many boys? Will the sebrights or sultan keep my silkies from mounting? Would either of those breeds cross with the silkie hens? I would like to end up with fertile silkie eggs. Thanks in advance for your help. Ask any questions you need for clarification.
I ended up with a bunch that were raised together once they started breading they fought to figure out dominance. After that only the dominant rooster was able to breed the hens unless one of the others was able to sneak in, but that is what would cause some ruckus but nothing major. If there is one or a couple that really get after each other you may need to move one out if you don't have a separate coop for them to go in.
I teach 6th grade, which is not altogether like NSA work. I can sense contraband gum, spit balls, and note-passing with my eyes closed, and I have a 6th sense for a lie. In my next life I'll probably be an NSA interrogator. (I THINK I'm joking about that...)
Teachers Rule!!!
You (I) couldn't get anything past my teachers no matter how hard I tried!!
I think the issue is there is some lurking troll that pages on people they don't like to get them on technicality. No other thread has such heavy handedness on chatting
Is this seriously what has been happening ?
Because we can all think about just exactly what that troll is..................or who he is !
Any Puget Sound area Wyndotte aficionados? If so, would love to talk to you about a gold-laced I have. Send me a message, or let me know if it is ok to send you one. </trying hard not to break forum rules>

If you are interested in the breed as a whole, contact WA4HPoultryMom.....she is in Monroe............and keeps excellent BLR and is "IN" with alot of other breeders out that way.
***** When you post, it is a good idea to say where you are~
You may have a BYCer right next door !
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It sure the heck seems like it. Some of the other threads I'm on we'd be slapped to the next century here if we brought up some of the stuff they've talked about.

The only times I ever take issue is if someone is attacking someone else or advocating highly illegal and stupid things (like using illegal poison on food left out in their residential yard to attract scavengers and dogs and kill them. But not caring if the item is drug over to their neighbors)
To heck with that.  But we're way off topic.  Anyone else still setting eggs or am I the only crazy o

[COLOR=0000CD]I have a HUGE hatch of Blue Copper Marans, and Cuckoo Marans, and HUGE bbs  Jersy Giants going on NOW.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=0000CD]Right now, this minute.         :weee [/COLOR]

I've got a bunch of eggs from a daughter of the Blue AM we traded for under the broody I got from Total Colour that should start hatching Monday (and a Splash AM rooster I got from somebody on Facebook); hoping they're a better ratio of M/F than the last... oh, wow, everything I've hatched has been more than 2/1 boys, that's depressing! And since I may have the five for-sure SSH cockerels given away, if the truck-driving chicken angel is flying, and the person who I got the bantam eggs from wants four of the five cockerels I don't, I may be brave enough to start another batch of BLRWs, SSHs, and more of the Am/Am&Au- the latter possibly to sell, depending on what's under Malvina.
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Another trick is to take landscape cloth - cut a 6-7 foot length - sew cut ends together, but leave the bottom open - same theory, fill with a little dirt, then add more as they grow.  That makes about a 3 foot across circular planter that stands up fairly well.  Height is of course dependent on the width of your cloth...

I have lots of feed sacks hanging out waiting for some one to use them! Send me a PM if you need one.

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