Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

thanks hon. I explained to them what was going on and better to put her down then to have her lungs fill and to end her suffering. she seems so sad. just crying and whimpering. i cant really describe it but just heartbreaking how she was. def sucks a lot. my youngest cried for an hour over her last night. cried more today. now it is just a waiting game to see if any more fall ill.
Hang in there the worst part of getting to know the birds especially with kids is when something happens. Kids are very resilient they'll be down for a bit then come roaring back to they're chipper little selves.
I'm babysitting 13 Marans/Ameraucana chicks right now. The dog got one, but we got it back again, so they are all now in my office so I can keep an eye on them. I love the little beards and muffs, and the feathered legs. They are all black or blue, except one which looks like it might be silver. Owner will be collecting them soon, I hope. This cardboard box is not much of a brooder.

Hmm, thinking it might be a splash rather than silver.
Sounds like you got your hands full with the Little's. Have Fun!
Happy Fathers day to you too my friend! Hope you had a great day!
Finished the hatching cage yesterday, and moved Malvina and her (DaveXBluebelle) eggs in just in time: I just put feed in this morning and there is something peeping in there. Happy days: chicks which will not be brooded in the house, Hallelujah!

Good thing, too as this has not otherwise been a satisfactory day so far: my husband apparently fell asleep in his chair / lost track of time while clearing the DVR of his old programs / some combination of those bad habits and woke up at 5am to do the dishes. The main water pipe runs directly under my side of the bed, and HOWLS when the water is running; I was fully awake by five-thirty, didn't get back to sleep, and since by the end of business yesterday I was having trouble hitting the floor with my feet, I ended up going to bed when my painkillers finally kicked in enough for me to walk twenty feet so it was what you might describe as a short night.

It's going to be a long day..

Of course several days in a row of hard physical work (of the sort which would have been much easier if I had help with stuff like threading nuts onto bolts on the other side of wire panels, for instance) and maybe not eating enough, at the right time, or of the actual right food, I keep running myself totally out of fuel and having to sit down for a boring snack so I can go take a run at stuff like tethering the sheep out without lowing out. Having just this instant finished chewing that last dull bite, I arise to do the next fifteen absolutely necessary and high priority items on my long, long, list.
Hi guys !
Hope all the Dad's out there had a great Day !
I spent my yesterday with my family adoring my Dad...big bar-be-que and great food & wine.

I vaccinate my birds for Marek's Disease, and the vaccine I buy is the exact same that any large hatchery uses.
The vaccine is made up from injured virus, which allows the bird's immunal system to blue print and thus be able to fight off the virus should it ever come in contact with it.

I am sure if no virus comes along that the immunal system can "forget" about the marek's virus, kinf=d of how our own immunal systems "forget" about polio, small pox and all the other fantastic childhood diseases we were vaccinated for as children.
That is why Doctors are saying we must all be vaccinated again...sheesh.

If no disease comes around, the immunal system has no need to stand ready to fight such disease, and thus the "blueprint" which identifies the disease to the immunal system is lost over time.
Hoever, a chicken never lives as long as we humans do....so therein lies the question...do they need a booster ?
I have never had any of my birds get Marek's....so I guess they don't need a booster since they live comparatively short lives compared to us.

Hope everyone has a great day !

Ooops, almost forgot !
I have a mess of baby chicks for Lutefisk (sp?) and checking on the baby ducks for TC...if all goes as planned we will go to TC's and maybe meet Lutefisk there as well.......Wednesday......so I will be in touch.
Hi guys !
Hope all the Dad's out there had a great Day !
I spent my yesterday with my family adoring my Dad...big bar-be-que and great food & wine.

I vaccinate my birds for Marek's Disease, and the vaccine I buy is the exact same that any large hatchery uses.
The vaccine is made up from injured virus, which allows the bird's immunal system to blue print and thus be able to fight off the virus should it ever come in contact with it.

I am sure if no virus comes along that the immunal system can "forget" about the marek's virus, kind of how our own immunal systems "forget" about polio, small pox and all the other fantastic childhood diseases we were vaccinated for as children.
That is why Doctors are saying we must all be vaccinated again...sheesh.

If no disease comes around, the immunal system has no need to stand ready to fight such disease, and thus the "blueprint" which identifies the disease to the immunal system is lost over time.
Hoever, a chicken never lives as long as we humans do....so therein lies the question...do they need a booster ?
I have never had any of my birds get Marek's....so I guess they don't need a booster since they live comparatively short lives compared to us.

Hope everyone has a great day !


Part of the thing about being revaccinated is that some viruses mutate fast (influenza in humans, bovine viral diarrhea) so the immune system doesn't recognize them from one year to the next.

Organisms are also thrifty: they don't produce proteins they don't need to, since they need all the nitrogen they get to produce proteins they do. Antibodies to cyclical diseases like whooping cough fade with time, especially when they're killed pathogen sorts (the old pertusis vaccine was an injured type, and caused obvious neurological side effects in a high enough number of babies that parents resisted it- I'm a provaccine person, after nearly dying of measles and being old enough to know people who had polio, but when my daughter had a 24-hour screaming spell after her first DPT, her doctor and I agreed not to vaccinate her for whooping cough until she was five). That's why so many adults got caught in the 1999 whooping cough epidemic, including everybody at my house, and everybody at the small private school my kids attended.

I would rather egg-vaccinate for both Marek's and salmonella (my British friends are confounded that salmonella vaccine is not the rule here) but the number of eggs I hatch and the fact that I'm in a high wild bird, high unvaccinated domesticated fowl neighborhood means that it would be spitting into the wind.

In other news: I just had my already exhausting, exhausted day complicated by the fact that somebody at my cousin's house decided to deal with a damaged watering trough float by sticking an open hose on trickle into a hundred and forty gallon watering trough, for a dozen cows, eleven calves, and a bull. There is really no words for the number of ways that's wrong, but the list starts with: they did that, and they didn't call me, nor my sister's household so we could fix it before the cows were so dry that they drank the trough dry and then pulled the tank away from the hose and flooded the place.

So, yeah, now I need to go do the chores I went out to start an hour and a half ago.

I've got to learn some of Mike's creative swears so I can express my opinion of that behavior in depth and detail.
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Hi guys !
Hope all the Dad's out there had a great Day !
I spent my yesterday with my family adoring my Dad...big bar-be-que and great food & wine.

I vaccinate my birds for Marek's Disease, and the vaccine I buy is the exact same that any large hatchery uses.
The vaccine is made up from injured virus, which allows the bird's immunal system to blue print and thus be able to fight off the virus should it ever come in contact with it.

I am sure if no virus comes along that the immunal system can "forget" about the marek's virus, kinf=d of how our own immunal systems "forget" about polio, small pox and all the other fantastic childhood diseases we were vaccinated for as children.
That is why Doctors are saying we must all be vaccinated again...sheesh.

If no disease comes around, the immunal system has no need to stand ready to fight such disease, and thus the "blueprint" which identifies the disease to the immunal system is lost over time.
Hoever, a chicken never lives as long as we humans do....so therein lies the question...do they need a booster ?
I have never had any of my birds get Marek's....so I guess they don't need a booster since they live comparatively short lives compared to us.

Hope everyone has a great day !

Where do you get your vaccine?
Hello everyone!

It's been a very long time since I've dropped in (I have an extremely difficult time keeping up with this thread) but I have a pretty URGENT situation here. I have a sick duck and I have no idea what's going on with her or what to do. She seemed fine last night when I put them away. Today I was gone all day and when we got home we let them out of their yard to free range and that's when we noticed that something wasn't right with her. She let us approach her and pick her up without a peep and she never does that, she always keeps her distance. I checked her over and didn't find anything obvious so we took her down to their wading pool and when she got in she just sat there for a good hour not really doing much. She's drinking but then it's all coming back up. She looked like she was having a seizure at one point and then couldn't walk but now she can. She's got no interest in food at all and doesn't even try to keep up with the other ducks like she usually does.

She's about 1 yr old
Blue Swedish
Feed store duckling that we've had since she was a tiny baby

Google hasn't been much help.

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