Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Totalcolour,How big is huge?Your a little far away also.My husband would never let me drive that far by myself. He's not as chicken crazy as I am! He does have his favorite hens that like to climb in his coat and flies up in our arms to be held! they are so spoiled! I love my chickens!
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So now I think I've decided instead of getting 1 Ameraucana, I'll get 2 knowing they are EEs. It'll be a surprise what they end up looking like (unless I am wrong about that and there is a way to tell as chicks what they might look like so I should figure out what I want my chick to look like) and we'll get some pretty colored eggs and all will be good!

Then I informed DH about this plan (and he was even on board!) but then found myself saying "now if only I had planned for a breed that had dark brown eggs".

15 Minutes Later...

What if I also got a Welsumer? I got the look from DH that pretty much said "If I can't beat you, I might as well join you". LoL!

So, that being said...anyone on here have any experience with Welsumers?

If I do end up with a Welsumer, I think I'm going to pass on getting a Light Brahma that I had planned to get next week (course, if one happens to be where I'm at, I'll have to take it as a sign of divine intervention that I need to get it). Then I'll be up to 10 chicks for my 1st flock plus 4 additional chicks I'm raising for a friend until she can move them to her coop. 14 chicks in one room is going to be a handful of *fun*. I'll have to put a ban on going to any place that has baby chicks for sale until after chick season is done with. #ImAlreadyAnAddictAndItsOnlyBeenAWeek
So now I think I've decided instead of getting 1 Ameraucana, I'll get 2 knowing they are EEs. It'll be a surprise what they end up looking like (unless I am wrong about that and there is a way to tell as chicks what they might look like so I should figure out what I want my chick to look like) and we'll get some pretty colored eggs and all will be good!

Then I informed DH about this plan (and he was even on board!) but then found myself saying "now if only I had planned for a breed that had dark brown eggs".

15 Minutes Later...

What if I also got a Welsumer? I got the look from DH that pretty much said "If I can't beat you, I might as well join you". LoL!

So, that being said...anyone on here have any experience with Welsumers?

If I do end up with a Welsumer, I think I'm going to pass on getting a Light Brahma that I had planned to get next week (course, if one happens to be where I'm at, I'll have to take it as a sign of divine intervention that I need to get it). Then I'll be up to 10 chicks for my 1st flock plus 4 additional chicks I'm raising for a friend until she can move them to her coop. 14 chicks in one room is going to be a handful of *fun*. I'll have to put a ban on going to any place that has baby chicks for sale until after chick season is done with. #ImAlreadyAnAddictAndItsOnlyBeenAWeek

I have 3 Welsummer hens and a rooster in a breeding pen. The eggs they lay rival some marans in color. They are beautiful! I love them. :)
Hi everyone,I just wanted to start off by saying Hello! I'm new and live near Yakima Wa.I just found this thread.I was wondering if anyone knows what would be a good incubator that I wouldn't have to spend a hole lot.I had a little giant about 15 years ago and remember the temp was hard to maintain.maybe little giant has improved in the last 20 years! I would like an incubator that would maintain the temp. or auto a just.any ideas?thank you! I'm hoping to hatch some black copper marans next year if I can get some eggs.
marchick...... morning...... read about Sally Sunshine's home made incubator.... good temps... good humidity.... and you can probably use parts from your old incubator.... Good luck.....


Totalcolour,How big is huge?Your a little far away also.My husband would never let me drive that far by myself. He's not as chicken crazy as I am! He does have his favorite hens that like to climb in his coat and flies up in our arms to be held! they are so spoiled! I love my chickens!
Huge - well it's a cabinet and can hold at least 160 eggs. If we put in a second row of rollers - - ?!?!?

It was designed for ostrich eggs I think; the rollers were spaced quite far apart. We just hatch duck, turkey, peafowl and chicken eggs right now.

I know what you mean, mine's not chicken crazy (neither am I, I do it for the eggs), he likes ducks and if I had my way, we'd have geese instead. Oh well, one day . . .
adrianapost...I can totally hook you up with a couple of Barnevelder chicks if you'd like!  I think every flock should have at least one, but then, I am pretty partial to them, lol.  How far are you from the Kitsap Peninsula?  I've got two different ages of chicks now and more in the incubator.  I'm serious, let me know!


Thanks DD! Im good on hatching eggs right now. Trying very hard to get my 10 acres! The market is crazy right now! Ill probably be in contact before the end of the year...hopefully lol
I very much appreciate your candor. Not really knowing what to expect, I do come away from there (been there three times so far) a bit disappointed with the level of care toward customers's needs. They do seem to always be busy. I don't suppose it could hurt to go look at a few other places to determine good feed, etc. Any insight into what's best to feed the growing girls? They are a bit over 6 weeks old now and seem to be fine. I give them some meal worms as treats (they love them), but have been told to not yet give them vegetable scraps, etc. We did put some grit in the cage as well. I still have a light on them and they're still in the basement room until the weather gets warm enough (and dry enough) for us to put the coop in place.
Thanks everyone!

As soon as they start getting grit, it's ok to introduce some veggies. If they were under a mama hen, she would be teaching them the tricks of getting their own food and may have kicked them out of the nest by now.
All my hens laid eggs last year and some how i ended up with this!! LOL It is kinda tented brown so it's not a duck egg as far as i can tell might be though i have 2 that were hatched last year.
it's so small and cute. Just what i needed after yesterday.
Beware at walmart in tacoma. I was in there helping to train a Service dog for someone who cannot afford dog training. I do this very often for people who live off of disability and cannot afford the crazy prices, well we're to the point of training for public access. On our way out I stopped and paid for a drink i was drinking in the store (apparently a sign i was stealing), Then i went to go out the door found my client being drug around by some guy screaming that they were going to take his service dog away. I screamed to let him go now or i'll call the police. Then they said "we're security you both have to come with us" My Client said the guy NEVER identified himself before that.
We go back to this little room are there for 4 hours while security walks the whole store bringing up empty box's that were supposed to have phones and whatever else in it and kept telling me to give up the pink things. I have no clue what they are talking about still no clue. What the hell is a "pink thing"?
Anyway they never found anything on me or my client from their store aside from my drink. They did find in my purse a sandwich which says fredmeyer on it that i was accused by the walmart employee of stealing from walmart, as well as kroger mouthwash.
The cop even rolled his eyes at this and said "here is a slip you're under arrest but going home. I have to read you your rights and consider you arrested because they say you stole things from here"
They even took my pepper spray i've had since i was raped 8 years ago. I now have to order more pepper spray. Walmart doesn't even sell pepperspray as far as i know, i honestly don't know what they sell. I don't shop there, i train dogs there because it's where my clients shop. So the dogs need to be trained in stores they will regular to make sure they will act properly in the store.

so yes this cute little egg today came on the right day to cheer me up slightly. Anyone who knows me will laugh at this accusation.

Beware at walmart in tacoma. I was in there helping to train a Service dog for someone who cannot afford dog training. I do this very often for people who live off of disability and cannot afford the crazy prices, well we're to the point of training for public access. On our way out I stopped and paid for a drink i was drinking in the store (apparently a sign i was stealing), Then i went to go out the door found my client being drug around by some guy screaming that they were going to take his service dog away. I screamed to let him go now or i'll call the police. Then they said "we're security you both have to come with us" My Client said the guy NEVER identified himself before that.
We go back to this little room are there for 4 hours while security walks the whole store bringing up empty box's that were supposed to have phones and whatever else in it and kept telling me to give up the pink things. I have no clue what they are talking about still no clue. What the hell is a "pink thing"?

Anyway they never found anything on me or my client from their store aside from my drink. They did find in my purse a sandwich which says fredmeyer on it that i was accused by the walmart employee of stealing from walmart, as well as kroger mouthwash.
The cop even rolled his eyes at this and said "here is a slip you're under arrest but going home. I have to read you your rights and consider you arrested because they say you stole things from here"
They even took my pepper spray i've had since i was raped 8 years ago. I now have to order more pepper spray. Walmart doesn't even sell pepperspray as far as i know, i honestly don't know what they sell. I don't shop there, i train dogs there because it's where my clients shop. So the dogs need to be trained in stores they will regular to make sure they will act properly in the store.
I'm not sure, but I don't think store security is allowed to do that. You have to be arrested by "real" police; they are the only ones who can search you. And they certainly can't take anything away from you, 'cus they got no right to search you in the first place. And if you did pay for your drink before leaving, there is no probable cause to even stop you. I would complain, and loudly, and threaten like all get out.
I'm not sure, but I don't think store security is allowed to do that. You have to be arrested by "real" police; they are the only ones who can search you. And they certainly can't take anything away from you, 'cus they got no right to search you in the first place. And if you did pay for your drink before leaving, there is no probable cause to even stop you. I would complain, and loudly, and threaten like all get out.

I've notified channel 4,5,7 and 13 news of what happened. I have a lawyer i'm discussing it with and he's going to try to find me a lawyer that specializes in suing walmart over this very matter because he said he knows of one that ONLY sues walmart.
googling it apparently it's very common for walmart employees to do this. I didn't think they could stop or search you either, However without even asking they did search me which i discussed with the police, also they attempted to separate my dog from me in front of the officer, who then told them that is a federal offense and I plan to sue for them touching my service dog (illegal on state and federal level). I turned it into the department of justice on the service dog issue.
I went into the court house earlier to discuss what to do in order to get charges dropped they said they're going to send me to court to go in front of a judge and made the comment to another worker "looks like we'll have a full room of just tacoma walmart theft charges" Which tells me this walmart is doing this ALL THE TIME because no way is there that many people stealing things ya know?

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