Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

FINISHED the duck pen this weekend! I still need a few fascia boards stained and installed and will do some grading inside and around the outside, but it is secure and complete. Unsure whether to bother with a substrate or just leave the rocky sand down and rake it out until we see how it does with wet weather. The ducklings are LOVING the pond. They pretty much spend all their time in it. Pond, eat, pond, eat, pond, eat... over and over and over again. It's ridiculous.

I am a little curious about this one's wings. They're both naked. It doesn't seem to be bothering her, and the other ones are leaving them alone, but is this normal? They came from the lady I bought them from this way.

Beautiful Job !
lol. I'm gone the whole week. Have fun!!
Bummer !

Ok, well, have fun !
And have a great BD !
FINISHED the duck pen this weekend! I still need a few fascia boards stained and installed and will do some grading inside and around the outside, but it is secure and complete. Unsure whether to bother with a substrate or just leave the rocky sand down and rake it out until we see how it does with wet weather. The ducklings are LOVING the pond. They pretty much spend all their time in it. Pond, eat, pond, eat, pond, eat... over and over and over again. It's ridiculous.

Very nice Laurel, I especially like that little pond.
What I hate about the duckles is the MUD they drag into their water, the poop is bad enough, but mine can get 1/2-1" of mud into their water TWICE a day even when their tubs are on grass.
The ducks must get a billfull and walk the 7 yards uphill to puke it out in the water.

I have a hard time thinking on how they taste so good when they are so nasty !
I don't know if I could do ducks. I like them. Used to play with the ones at my grandma's as a kid. There is that huge pond out back that the eagles hunt ducks and geese on. I'd never get them back.
The ducks sure are cute, but I think you need to have a certain personality to own them. My neighbor likes her ducks a lot more than she likes the chickens. She doesn't mind the mess (plus she somehow gets her husband to clean up after the ducks - still wondering how she worked that one out).

I have to agree with the two above posts. The ducks are entertaining until they take the mud and poo into their pool and splash around in it. LOL
I love my ducks because they are so clean compared to the chickens! They also have far more personality. They are gentle on the yard and they make liquid fertilizer that can go straight to the garden instead of composting it. They are great foragers and they are so much quieter than chickens. No dust bath holes, just aeration holes in the grass. If I could keep only ducks or chickens, I would keep the ducks and sell all the chickens!
Can someone help with some answers. We put eggs in to incubate only candled on days 3-7-18 then we went into lockdown. none hatched. my 3 yr old and i just went and did and eggtopsy on them and we had 6 that were fully formed but died and the others were either just yolk or they stopped early.

what did i do wrong for them not to hatch? my temp was always between 99.5 - 101, with humidity between 40 and 50? we have a turner so I did not worry about turning them.

any ideas? i know that hatching is a hit and miss but I was wondering if I should adjust temp or humidity for next try? my son is a little sad but knows that we will try again.

thanks to any who can throw ideas at me.

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