Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I got quite the combination of eggs the other day :) i'm getting about 4 to 5 eggs a day from my six chickens that are old enough to lake.
If you haven't already done so you might plant seeds indoors so they'll get started while you're gaining strength.  Spinach and lettuce seem to do quite well as transplants.  Then of course tomatoes, squash, etc.  I think kale works well, too.  My chickens go bonkers for kale.  I just transplanted 5 fairly large plants yesterday that wintered over in a 5-gal pot.  Poor things were really struggling.  I love that they're perennials!  And just last week I learned that when they try to bolt, that tall skinny stem with the immature blossom buds are called raab and the tender parts are very edible.  Who knew!  I've been cutting them off and tossing.  sheesh.  Well now I'm looking forward to the next batch. 

I have been saving containers to start seeds in so it is just the seedling potting soil I need to get started. That is a great idea, I don't know why it had not occurred to me. Being on pain killers makes me so loopy that I forgot about all the pastry trays with clear lids that I have been hoarding in my hobby (aka bird) room. My husband was laid off last week so no paycheck this week but maybe we have enough mad money to buy dirt.
Our funny little Penny died late this morning. She's been acting lethargic the past few days, drinking tons but hardly eating or moving. All I can think of is either she ate something she shouldn't have (entirely possible due to her very curious nature), or the sudden warm weather was too much for her.
RIP sweet girl.

I guess I get to hatch some more chicks. I've got a bunch of her eggs waiting to go into the incubator.
Our funny little Penny died late this morning. She's been acting lethargic the past few days, drinking tons but hardly eating or moving. All I can think of is either she ate something she shouldn't have (entirely possible due to her very curious nature), or the sudden warm weather was too much for her.
RIP sweet girl.

I guess I get to hatch some more chicks. I've got a bunch of her eggs waiting to go into the incubator.
Awwww, so sorry junebuggena!
How sad! I'm very happy you have some of her eggs!
Don't get goats if you want a lawn mower! They will eat EVERYTHING except the grass, or at least save it until they are really hungry. If you want a nice grass mower get sheep. A friendly sheep is quite a pleasure to be around. And as a bonus they won't get into everything and chew your zippers.

sheep really have little interest in playing on top of your car, too!
Ok just talked to the person we get milk from, right now
her milk cow is with calf close enough we are forced to
drink sheep milk
she is going to loan me two
sheep for a few days
sheep are not much fun to milk, goats are much easier to milk that a sheep.
Getting a sheep to stand still is a challenge, they are not real smart !
80* at the beach today. First day over 70 all year. Poor chooks seem pretty uncomfortable. I was going to mow but now, I think I'll just stay in and hide from the heat.
It was so hot here I came indoors & turned on the AC...well, turned it to 68 degrees !
I had a super red face & sweating like crazy...too hot for me !
I get heat sick easily!

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