Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

They probably filled up on the seeds and guts and didn't have room in their crops for the meat. They will probably finish it off today.
Thanks they are doing that this morning kinda made me wonder
but lot's clearer this morning I HATE THE RAIN..... need to put the new tarp on the coop
have to go meet the BF's other Son the worthless one so cannot get the new tarp on today
Does anybody know of a heritage rhode island red breeder near washington? I have some pullets from Dick Horstman but I am looking for a rooster of the same quality.

John Jensen is in Oregon but he has some very nice Rhode Island Reds. I don't want to post his number on open forum but you can PM me for it. He doesn't do electronic communication.
That will work I will give him my vote
Here I sit today new tarp dragged over the coop as we got back from sojourn to see
first born not favored son and his wife for late lunch taking a break before heading to bed for the night
so glad to have the new tarp on it is 11 ml
Yes quite a bit.. still working out how to give more ventilation putting vents in they
went bad fast sealant did not hold water was dripping in bad
but sent a few text to Tim who builds them asking for advice
I live on the edge of a marsh with soil that is full of clay. I'm just happy our septic works. The best spots have other things on them so the chickens get subprime locations. If I hose anything here, I have water on the ground for a while during half the year so I try and avoid adding water.

The soil has built up over time in the big pen and it doesn't have standing water anymore and is actually higher than the area around it. When we move everything over there so that the shop can be built, I'm hoping to have enough light so that I can put a garden patch there. I had a pen in the garden for two years. That is some awesome soil there now
You have been here a few times & know how the mountain is directly behind the "compound" and so soil erosion, a wash of water & silty clay washes down & builds up, then the birds trample enough up to where the end event is a slurry of poop soup here............then I can hose it to wash down further.
Our septic is a $30K work of art......necessary as we live so close to the water...
The good part is you can hose off clay like it was a sidewalk !
I only worry about the slurry of poop contaminating any wells we have..................but we have a series of filters, IV radiators, and then a final dosatron of chlorine before we store our water in tanks........where is your well ?
Having 99.99999% clay here on the shoreline...no fresh water can penetrate & perking a septic is difficult....we have a series of pipes & a pump that floods the pipes to distribute affluent over a 1 acre area !
It is a drainfield of dreams !
Cost almost as the property !
Einstein has found & dug 2 wells now that trickle about 200 gallons a day, all year round, without power, and they are all UP HILL from the house like a slphon.......he blows my mind sometimes.........when he is not underfoot......................

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