Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

That's funny I have 2 rir one is real stand off'ish and the other one is sweet pea I can call her like a dog and she comes running can pick her up or do anything sweetest little chicken you could want she was a runt wen little but none of the other chickens ever bother her they challenge her and she makes some funny little noise and they look puzzled and walk away it's been that way since she was a chick.
see I had two as an adult three years ago they both where fairly friendly to me my
BR are queens of the roost the RIR would get in the nest boxes just kicking out the shavings
not to roost just kick out the shavings.. I recall a cockerel we had as a kid and how it would
come after me, just kind of hit me my girls are closer to 3 than two now
Three times in the last week one of my chickens has laid an egg without a shell. It just has an intact membrane. They are laying it from the roost because I find it on the poop board. I think it might be one of my 3+-year-old chickens.
One of my little chicks (pretty sure a cockerel) has little wings on his wings! LOL He's got "winglets"!


Three times in the last week one of my chickens has laid an egg without a shell. It just has an intact membrane. They are laying it from the roost because I find it on the poop board. I think it might be one of my 3+-year-old chickens.
give them a bit of oatmeal with yogurt mixed just make sure she gets some

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