Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Well, I hate the fact that there is no drop down menus as you hover...like over "forums" so I have to click on it, and scroll down til I see "Where am I where are you ?" and click that, then scroll til I see Washington come together peeps.............IT TAKES FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!
This is the same with EVERYWHERE I have to go !!!!!!!

The fact is, the way BYC was BEFORE,

WAS PERFECT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also HATE all the pages with black backgrounds and TEEEEEEEEEEEEEENSY little font that can hardly be seen !!!
I can list pages of stuff I hate about this new conversion, but I keep hopeing that Nifty is working on IT and THIS is not how IT is going to stay, that IT is not done !!


Some of the problem is they had to switch software since the old stuff won't be supported here shortly. This wasn't a "lets improve it this way" change.
Some of the problem is they had to switch software since the old stuff won't be supported here shortly. This wasn't a "lets improve it this way" change.

The question is WHY wouldn't it be supported here shortly ?
And why no drop down menus, making navigation a freakin nightmare ?
And why the black backgrounds on some things ?????
There are many many web sites on the web that still have the same type softwaare that the original BYC had, and they still work just fine.
The point is, this conversion is not making life any easier for the users.....so why did they change it ???
Trophies ?
Really ?
like we won something ?
That was covered in the old way & did not need to be updated to add "trophies"....along with the irritating hassel of having to click 2x to add a quote to your statement, whereas before, if you clicked quote, it was already added to your statment...this new conversion is 2 or more X the work as before...MUCH slower & and much more annoying
What's a pirate's favorite musical instrument? A sitarrrrrrr.


A man goes to confession and confesses that he has committed adultery. "With whom?" the priest asks. Shocked, the confessor tells the priest that he would rather not say. The priest persists... "It was Mary-Margaret Murphy, wasn't it?" The confessor responds, "Father, I'm not going to tell you." The priest persists, "Colleen McDonald?" "Father, I'm still not going to tell you," the confesor says, irritated. The prest tries once again, "Bridget O'Leary. I knew it!" Finally, the confessor says angrily, "Look, Father, I'm not going to tell you. Please just give me my pennance and let me be on my way." "Fine," the priest says, "Three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys. Go in peace." As the man leaves the confessional, his friend in line asks him what he got. He responds: "Three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys, and three good leads."


A fellow mentions to his friend that his therapist told him to finish everything he started. He said, "So far I've finished three bags of chips and one chocolate cake and I feel better already."


Here's one for you @penny1960 :::::::::::::

What do you get when you have a mothball in each hand? The moth's undivided attention.


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