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@junebuggena are you all better after the fall? guess I do it so often do not
land on my head and when I have it is hard enough to take it :lau I have picked up
4 silky from Kim not sure if you had heard that 3 are brooding 9 marans eggs just now
also have 20 from your girls with the lavender ameracaunas cockerel only 4 pullets of the 11 I bought
Yes Junebug I hope you are doing good now, be carful out there.
I learned something yesterday that most of you probably already know. I went up north and stopped by a feed store as I new they bought eggs they gave me 4.50 a dozen Anyway she told me I needed to put my eggs in the carton pointy end down as they last longer that way. I had never herd that before and thought she was full of hot air. I new you should do that if you were going to hatch them but not for storage so I looked it up and sure enough it’s true I found an article from fresh eggs daily that explained it. Learn something every day.
I'm fine now. Came very close to hitting my head on the edge of the patio table, so could have been much worse. It did make looking at the computer screen painful for a few weeks, though. The offending green-mater has been pressure washed off. Still need to sand and reseal it. It's a huge deck at least 100 x 30, so is taking quite a while to refinish by myself.
I'm fine now. Came very close to hitting my head on the edge of the patio table, so could have been much worse. It did make looking at the computer screen painful for a few weeks, though. The offending green-mater has been pressure washed off. Still need to sand and reseal it. It's a huge deck at least 100 x 30, so is taking quite a while to refinish by myself.

I'm glad you're ok. That had to have been scary
Another nice egg from the Junebug hen 3.54 ounces the Marans egg was 2.15 ounces not as big as some of the last ones but still a beauty can’t close the box.
Catching up on all that I missed.
A dozen eggs that Junebug gathers must weigh about 4 pounds
I do get lots of big eggs from my Easter Eggers. Even the older hens lay reliably. I'm so used to the big blue and green eggs the Easter Eggers pullets have been laying, that the eggs from my other breeds seem tiny in comparison now that they are starting back up. I used to be able to fit 5 eggs per row in my incubator. My last round of incubation, I could only manage 4 eggs per row. I've increased the egg size that much over the last three years.
I get monster eggs the truly huge stay here they will not allow
a regular carton to close :gigit is not a complaint The 20 eggs I have incubating is all
EE and green eggs from you:frow:wee

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