Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I want to see if the different onion skin colors will give different results later.

Hubby said I should have bought a dozen white eggs to dye alongside the blue.

I'll use some of the few olive eggs next time as well. I only did one egg that wasn't blue


Became this
Nice looking Easter eggs very inventive.
I’m on my second broody now one Marans and a Welsummer guess they haven’t noticed it’s still kind of cold out. I might set some eggs under them the Marans is pretty dedicated the other one just started today but she sounded like a evil witch when I took the eggs what a noise.
That's funny the silky make pretty good noise also took three eggs a cuckoo marans
my OE old girl and one of my older EE think allot of EE I have still are close to 5 not laying daily all the time now well giving them to Dirst she wants to be a mom as mud has claimed the one marans hatch
I got all of 6 neighbor was stealing finally put a lock on the coop so he could not get in
but finding many of EE at 5 will not lay daily now

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