Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

My two cats I have now were barn cat kittens. They were 7 weeks old or something when we got them and skittish. I kept them in the house for the first month. They got used to us pretty quick. Now one is a sweet little thing that likes to sit on my lap and knead. The other is a bossypants and he will demand his attention and outside. They do ok on rodent control help. They do sleep inside to be safe from coyotes.
We have three outside Bob, curly and Moe we trapped them at the old house BF had fed feral cats for 28 years there these where kittens no trust in humans kept them in my old shasta trailer finally cutting whole for them to come in and out they watched the chickens grow up and the chickens do not care of them at all two could live in house now if we let them but have 4 inside already
One of my chickens is sick. One of the seven week old. About a month ago she had what I thought was a splayed leg, so I splinted it and she did much better. She was out with all the other chickens doing good, only an occasional limp but doing well. But today she wouldn’t get off the roost. And when she finally did she was staggering around and barely walking well. By this afternoon she’s not walking at all. Not bearing weight on her legs. When I try to research what’s wrong the only answers that seem to come up when I try to research what’s wrong the only answers that seem to come up are marrks and cocci? Seems like every symptom a chicken could have could be one of those two problems.
I put her in a wire dog crate inside the coop with her own food and water. I’m going to give it a couple days and see what happens. I will not take her to the vet. I have been down that road before and it was very frustrating, expensive, and still never really figured out what the problem was. I hate this part of having chickens.
I’m defiantly going to trap them this week I want to keep them all for barn cats but need to tame them down. I think I can make a place in the barn to keep them safe if they will stay up there. Need to tame them first though.
My dad and stepmom have two barn cats. They are 20 years old. They have learned where to go at night to stay safe. We all assume they are in the barn at night but don’t really know for sure. Either way it has worked. Usually country cats end up being Coyote dinner. But those two have done well.
One of my chickens is sick. One of the seven week old. About a month ago she had what I thought was a splayed leg, so I splinted it and she did much better. She was out with all the other chickens doing good, only an occasional limp but doing well. But today she wouldn’t get off the roost. And when she finally did she was staggering around and barely walking well. By this afternoon she’s not walking at all. Not bearing weight on her legs. When I try to research what’s wrong the only answers that seem to come up when I try to research what’s wrong the only answers that seem to come up are marrks and cocci? Seems like every symptom a chicken could have could be one of those two problems.
I put her in a wire dog crate inside the coop with her own food and water. I’m going to give it a couple days and see what happens. I will not take her to the vet. I have been down that road before and it was very frustrating, expensive, and still never really figured out what the problem was. I hate this part of having chickens.

where did you get these birds first question .. what do you have medical bag ? antibiotics?
I'm no good at diagnosis. Any bird not able to walk right immediately makes me think Mareks because I had that kill a bunch of silkies years ago.

There are many things it could be though. Treating for coccidiosis is easy and doesn't hurt.

No idea what it could be though.

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