Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

My best broody raised chicks up through her 7th year. She's mostly blind and retired now. Hasn't gone broody since but she tried to care for the 3 chicks when I transitioned them outside at 6 weeks. Her pen was the best place as she only had one companion.
Nice system! hope to one day have something like a water bar. Connected to a rain barrel.

Hi, just a word to the wise on using gravity fed pipes for water. They get bio-film inside which is really nasty and unhealthy. They need to be cleaned inside on a regular basis, so use pipes that are large enough diameter that you can use a long, long brush inside to scrub. And of course an easy way to open the pipes. Mine was only 3/4" pvc and impossible to clean so I took it out and replaced with 5 gallon buckets with nipples. I like them much better for a variety of reasons.

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