Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps


I have an outdoor wok list planned for Thu- Sat
Thur needs to be dog shower day
then I should look at the compost pile and size up the need there.
Put chicken manure around the fruit trees and elderberry. I think I have some blue berry fertilizer left-
Fri. - Then move on to the veg garden and Sat- lavender beds.
Picked all the carrots and kale and cleaned the weeds out of the beds. I'll topcoat them with compost tomorrow.

I dug up my horseradish plant, then mixed fresh compost into the bed. Planted two good looking horseradish roots for my next crop.
Yes I too need to move my horseradish , it needs to get out from under the thyme and oregano, the herbs took over
Tony dog has the “ Iam on watch” bark thing going on right now, mostly due to him getting a whiff is something from the forest to our south. I went to the living room window to reassure him it’s all clear and holy cow!!! This warm weather has the poor bugs all messed up- tried to get you a pic—
It’s a stink’n wasp 🐝 poor thing-

Yes I too need to move my horseradish , it needs to get out from under the thyme and oregano, the herbs took over
I planted my horseradish in a separate raised bed made from an old rusted out 55 gallon drum. Seemed to work out pretty well.

Congrats on the 10 eggs! A couple of my chickens took a break today, so I got 5.

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