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Well, I believe their sister is laying..... I found two eggs next to their kiddie pool! And yea, unfortunately they have an identity crisis cause I had the ducks and chickens together and yea..... Oh yea and R if you look at the calendar from feb 2 to the first day of spring, IT IS 6 WEEKS!!! LOLl!!! someone forgot to tell the rat!!! LOL!
So yesterday we went to the doc in Olympia, and good news for me, no colitis or chrones.........but he strongly suspected a stress syndrom so Rx'd me some happy pills, for anxiety & better sleep.
So that is good news.

Then the Franz outlet called & had a load of "animal bread" for me..so I went & got it !
It filled our entire van 2 foot deep or more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then we loaded 2 upright freezers, and 2 chest freezers, put 2 trash bags & 1 contractor bags full in the washing machine shed, and 1 trash bag full in the brooder room (for chicks) and then gave 3 trash bags away to a neighbor who raises chickens and 3 trash bags full to another neighbor with horses & chickens and then I took this picture of what was left:

Side door of the van

Back door of the van, when full this pile was over the top of the shelf !!!!!!!!!

This bread is on it's pull date, and the birds LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!
I should have snapped a pic when the van was full !
Remember, this here is about 1/8th of what was in here.
We just saw a house with a chicken yard, so we stopped and gave all the rest of the bread to the woman there.
She had horses too, and was happy to have the bread.

I am so glad about the diagnoses, I think a person can do something about stress vs the others. You guys just need to finish getting your house build so you don't have to do so much!!!

Nice haul!! I keep meaning to call our local bread store in Yakima and find out if we can do the same thing, someone told me about that a long time ago and I keep forgetting to find out.
I am glad you got good news from the doctor chickielady.

My silkie is still sitting on the eight eggs with the occasional barred rock egg.
I have to research this drug.I hate taking any drugs at all !
Hate it !!!
I will not even take pain meds after surgery or when I tore all my ligaments outta my knee.
I do not like being "fuzzy headed" and not in control of me.
Even cold meds bother me..that horrible "being in a fish bowl" feeling..yuck.
But I am researching this drug to see what it is & all side effects.
I may toss the bottle in the drawer with the Sertraline & all the others I have been prescribed.
I candle the eggs I have in my new incubator. and saw one has veins and something moving.
I put all the eggs that my broody was sitting on when I put the Marans in. I'll be candling them again at 10 days and if I don't see any bouncing chicks I am tossing them. I am running the incubator just in case. I really want these cuckoo Marans.
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