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Hey I would like to share this in an attempt to help others. Today while at Dell's I was checking on the price of 2" poultry wire. I needed 74' and the girl told me well we have 50' and 150' I sadi well I only want 100'. She says ok 2 50' rolls would be $45.98 I said ok so how much is 150' I want to see how much per foot it is. She says we don't sell it by the foot! Really!!! Duh So then she tells me that a 150' roll would be (are ready for this) $54.99. So for $9.01 I would get an extra 50'. I didn't buy it today and now after talking to the old guy I found out I don't need it.
Lowes has the same screwed up pricing on their hardware cloth - not only was it waaaay cheaper per sq ft to get the biggest roles, but the bigger rolls are a heavier gauge wire! I bought up all the big rolls they had in Issaquah in February!
Hello all...
WA4, I thank you for those adorable Banty Birds... The ladies live in the abandoned Banty Yard and are quite happy. The gray/blue gal flies the coop every day and hangs with the Mille's mostly. Or just putts around by herself. She is so sweet and docile. All the birds from you are very gentle. Well, at least to me. The girls picked the heck out of the sweet boy so I put him in a dog crate for a couple of days, now he lives with the chicks that I think are about his age but LF. He doesn't really fit in but he at least has distant cousins to cheep along with. His little chirping is so adorable. I will put him back with the Cochin Trio when he is a little older. Coupla months I guess. How old are the ladies? I get a couple of eggs a day from the three of them.
I just love those newer additions to my Fowl Family.
Whatcha got now your getting rid of?
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It's me, Cackleberry, I am still interested in the Hen. Do you have one available now? Have you tried running a course of your things in eBay in the poultry section?
Well.... I got everything but the motor on the cement mixer put together.... the switch is busted

Now I have to wait for them to ship me a new switch part before I can use it...

and its gonna rain tomorrow
be sunny for the weekend while i'm at work
then rain again when I'm off work

the weather hates me
Our SLW is becoming broody. She's been in the nest box 3 days. I keep taking the eggs away & so far she's not protective over them. I've tossed her out of the box yesterday for her to eat & such. Boy was her poo stinky.

Anyway, thinking about maybe next time or if she's getting real posessive of contacting Illia for some LF araucana eggs. <3
Didn't get to have much of a talk with the Hamburgs today: got scolded while I upped their weather protection, which was adjudged "better, not good enough, don't even think you're off the hook." Trying to get the coop and run done, with the sinking knowledge that even if I get stuff finished (all the lumber is cut, all I have to do is lay out the hardware cloth and put the facing boards on) the run has to have all the construction waste cleaned out and then I need to let the caulk and paint age and the sod recover before the Wyandottes can go in.

You'd think, here in the future, we would have some kind of *POOF* high tech resin fabrication system to make a chicken coop on site, right? Those people at Makerbot need to get on that project, I guess.
looks like the night crew is missing again

I'm off to walk 2 blocks and raid the coffee shop yard waste for coffee grounds...
I have some Black Solider Fly grubs coming tomorrow!
They will love the coffee grounds and my worms from blueduckling will love the grub castings and my garden will love the worm castings and the chickens will love the pupating grubs!
I'm gonna get a nice bin of grubs established then divide half in to the animal waste pile. I'm hoping since the grubs are super fast eaters the pile will go away before it gets to smelly for the neighbors.
Back in a bit
I am here for a moment. I haven't been able to catchup today. I had to finished cleaning out my sewing room, do a little painting on the sky light, and get 11 chickens cut up and vacuum packed. I got it all done, and even made some homemade bread. I am now going to take the puppies off to bed.
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