I have a few chickens of different ages,from different places that I raised together with other chickens. Only these few are having problems with a wasting away type of disorder or something. They keep losing weight even though they eat all the time and they slowly get worse and then their legs get weak and have trouble walking and then they die. Vet did fecal and no worms etc. Waiting for results of necropsiey. They do have a "smell' to them if you sniff around their face, but no crackels in chest , no runny nose etc, no stuff in eye. tried Tylan,Baytril,predisone,teremician,yougart, poly vi sol etc. to no avail. Breeds are Polish,silkies and silkie mix. ages 4 - 9 months old. They eat chicken starter or recently grower,they often get scrambled eggs and 3 grain scratch as a treat. i don't know whats killing my birds, any one else go through this?