Water belly??? Sos


Apr 16, 2023
Maryland, USA
Hey I have a chicken who is not able to walk this came on suddenly she’s still active squawking and eating but cannot move, she can’t be stood up either. I felt around and there’s no egg or anything stuck her vent seems pretty normal too but her stomach is super squishy I can push it all around she doesn’t seem in pain tho pls help
How old is she? Is she moving her head, wings, or her legs if you touch them? Touch her foot pads to see if she moves her tows. Is her neck twisted to the side, or can she straighten it? Does she normally lay eggs? I would get her propped up on some rolled towels in a normal sitting position. Can you offer some electrolytes or sugar water up to her beak and try to dip her beak to drink? Then offer some wet chicken feed and some scrambled egg from a small bowl up to her beak. (Was she vaccinated for Mareks? Have you added any new birds to the flock in the last couple of months?
How old is she? Is she moving her head, wings, or her legs if you touch them? Touch her foot pads to see if she moves her tows. Is her neck twisted to the side, or can she straighten it? Does she normally lay eggs? I would get her propped up on some rolled towels in a normal sitting position. Can you offer some electrolytes or sugar water up to her beak and try to dip her beak to drink? Then offer some wet chicken feed and some scrambled egg from a small bowl up to her beak. (Was she vaccinated for Mareks? Have you added any new birds to the flock in the last couple of months?
Shes 4, she’s super alert and moves wings legs and head, her toes react and will squeeze your finger if u lay it in her toes. She’s very alert besides the fact she can’t walk. She lays eggs but I’m not sure when the last was laid. She was vaccinated for mareks and we did get more birds a year ago they are also vaccinated and have no signs of issues. I have been feeling around and her belly/underside more back towards her vent is super swollen and squishy… I gave her an epsom salt bath earlier hoping it was possibly some other issue but she showed no improvement after. She still eats and drinks water if she can get to it, I’ve been giving it to her by hand

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