Water trough and chickens


In the Brooder
Dec 5, 2020
Anyone have any ideas on how to keep chickens out of a water trough. They free range and have their own waterer, but prefer to drink out of the goat trough. I was fine with it until they started pooping in the water trough🤦🏻‍♀️. I do now want to stop free ranging then so any ideas are welcomed! Thanks for reading!
Anyone have any ideas on how to keep chickens out of a water trough. They free range and have their own waterer, but prefer to drink out of the goat trough. I was fine with it until they started pooping in the water trough🤦🏻‍♀️. I do now want to stop free ranging then so any ideas are welcomed! Thanks for reading!
If they have access to it they’ll get into it. Maybe you could raise it up so they can’t reach but the goats can? It may help if you post pics of the setup.
Only fencing will keep them away from it. And chickens don't do well in deep water, they aren't ducks! Can you use a different waterer for the goats? Or just realize that the goats won't mind a little chicken poo? :sick
Maybe if you put chicken perches in the same area as the goat water trough... but a bit higher... they will no longer perch on the trough?

Also, I would wedge a plank in the trough, in case a chicken ever falls in.

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