Waterers for shipping birds

Three Cedars Silkies

11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Gainesville, Fl.
I have developed a waterer for use in the Horizon shipping boxes when shipping birds. It is a 2 oz. refillable and reusable plastic tube with a watering nipple. I use the nipples for some of our birds and they are fantastic. It took our chicks about 5 minutes to figure out how to peck at the nipple and get water.

You would fill the tube with water (even perhaps electrolyte water) and put it inside as high as necessary for the bird to be able to reach the nipple.

When I ship birds, I wrap the bottom piece of cardboard with a puppy pee pad and tape it well. This keeps anything liquid from making the bottom soggy and possibly breaking through. I would suggest you use something like this that would keep any water from seeping into the cardboard.

I am asking $2.25each for them. This covers the cost of the nipples w/ shipping and the time it takes for me to drill the holes, process the orders, go to the PO etc.I am not looking to make money on these...just to help keep birds hydrated in transit. I've used fruit but sometimes it is molded by the time the bird arrives, adding more danger. Each one will come with a nylon tie to attach it to the box.

The are completely refillable and reusable.

Please don't click on the BUY IT NOW...just PM me with how many you would like. My paypal address is [email protected]

I will include a nylon tie to secure it to the end of the box. You just have to poke 2 very small holes to thread the tie through and pull it very tight. I was thinking you might even wrap a small piece of the rubberized shelf liner around the bottle part and put the nylon tie over that to hold it even more securely. I'll send instructions with a picture when I ship them out.
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What a great little invention! Kudos to you. The price is super-reasonable too! I don't ship, but if I ever do, I've got you bookmarked!
Looks like a good idea, but according to the USPS website it's against the rules to include liquid in the shipping boxes. Have you ran your idea by the PO to see what they say?
No, I haven't asked. My lifelong policy is to beg forgiveness rather than ask permission.....at least in some circumstances!
This would be one of those.

Since the liquid cannot spill, I don't see it any different than including fruit.
Haven't tried it yet because it's too hot to ship in Florida right now. It would probably be a good idea to get the bird used to it for a day or so before shipping.

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