Watery Poo


6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
New Mexico
I know there have been TONS of questions on this subject, did searches, but can't find what I'm looking for. So I'm asking. I posted about a flood we had here last week, which flooded my coop. Today, four days later, it's finally dry. But now, I'm noticing that some of my chickens (don't know which ones for sure) have watery poo. Nothing seems to be in it really, just water. Everyone seems to be acting fine, with the exception that some of my hens are sleeping on the floor during the day. It's been hot here, but the chickens have a swamp cooler in their coop, so it doesn't usually get over 90 degrees. They don't get hot as far as I can tell. So, I'm wondering if they still possibly could be drinking more water due to the heat outside, even though its not hot in the coop. I'm a bit concerned, as this just showed up, and not sure if there is a link between this, and the unusual dampness in the coop the last few days. I've also noticed that since I switched them to grower/finisher feed, some seem to have brownish softer poos instead of the 'normal' poos for chickens. My chickens are all between the ages of 12 wks and 20 weeks.
Yes their poo can be a little watery if they are guzzling the water from the heat.

With wet ground keep an eye out for coccidiosis in your 3 month olds. Lethargy etc.
If you are only seeing watery poos and everyone looks healthy I'd probably chalk it up to the heat myself.

Illnesses and worms can also cause watery poos but if it is hot and everyone seems healthy then I'd just wait myself.

Here is the poo page:

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