wattle comb pale pink white legs white


11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
hello everyone,

I wanted to know how to help my rooster but he died so if you could maybe explain what he might have had would be great because girls was with him. so....

1. age one year same as girls
2. breed Cochin girls also
3. weight ? full grown
4. what was wrong: he didn't want to ditty the girls (was very active 1 roo to 11 girls) but was still eating, comb turned pink/white, legs/feet white didn't want to leave pen/house or didn't roam far. acted like he didn't feel good
5. he was eating what the girls ate, layer pellet and free ranged for about 2-4 hours a day
6. didn't see any problems with anyone's poop
7. treatment died within two days of seeing it so didn't get any real type of treatment but I have put vitamins/mineral treatment in hens water
8. no pictures didn't occur to me before i buried him
9. he and girls have their choice of 2 houses 6x8 or 10x16 connected to a enclosed pen 16x24. each house has a thick layer of pine shavings on floor which was cleaned out about a month ago so its fairly clean

The girls legs have become pale to white also but combs are still red. I just started with the vitamins mix from the feed store. Should I go ahead and get them dewormer or antibiotics just in case? what do you think it is?

all help welcome thank you,
Three things that come to mind would be:

heavy infestation of mites

It would probably be a good idea to go ahead and worm your flock, but keep watching them closely for other specific symptoms.

I'm sure you'll be getting some better ideas soon.

P.S.: Thanks a lot for taking the time to read the sticky and answer the questions, that is very helpful.

Good Luck!

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couldnt hurt to deworm them...worms can use up the birds nutrients. You usually wont see worms in stool unless it is a bad infestation as worms attatch themselves to the intestinal wall and shed eggs (eggs are what a vet looks for in a fecal sample to see wat kind of worm is shedding them).

If they are losing their nutrients their health will decline and their color will pale and they will feel crappy. That goes for anything that is ailing them. If there were no other symptoms such as sniffles or diarreah, mites or something up with the crop and digestion then it could be worms.

Vitamins and probiotics to boost immune system. try deworming---may want to collect a few poops from different hens and smoosh them together in a ziplock baggie and have your vet test the 'combined sample' to see if there are signs of parasites.

Another thing that can cause sudden death is mold in the feed. Mold is toxic especially in chickens- be sure to never let them eat moldy bread or treats and keep their grain where it will not absorb dampness, keep grain far enough from water dish that spilled grain will not get wet and spoil.

Hope this helps

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thanks for the help. i went to the vet's office and got dewormer for the rest of my. he said if anyone else dies to bring her to the office for a autopsy to see whats going on. it only cost $25. i gave the med to the girls. they still seem fine. cray
Hope the med does the trick!

It is good that you've got a vet who will perform a necroscopy. It is more often than not the only way to know for sure.

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