Wazine or Safeguard for worms? What about pigeons and ducks?


Not Dutch!
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Sorry for posting AGAIN about such a "popular" topic, but I did have some questions that I can't find the answer to.

Today, a family member discovered a worm in a chicken dropping.
I didn't see said dropping, but those who did and saw Internet photos say it's a roundworm. Their description sounds like a roundworm to me, but I'm not at all experienced with worms. We've never had worms before.

Because we've never had worms before, we think perhaps the culprits are the two pigeons which joined the flock around April. They've mostly been kept in a divided area of the chicken run, but recently they've been let loose, and they like to walk around in the chickens' area.

So I've been doing some research.
--Valbazen is WAY out of our price range... at least the stuff available at TSC.
--We have Ivermectin, but I've read that that isn't very good at treating worms?
--Wazine/Piperazine is available and inexpensive; a family member is on the way to purchase it now. Is this a good solution - assuming that what we have is really roundworms?
--Safeguard also seems to be expensive, except for some dry beef/dairy stuff in a bag, and some equine paste.
--We also have DE. Don't worry - I'm not listing this as a possible treatment, but I did read that it could be used in conjunction with both Wazine and Ivermectin.

We were also wondering about how to treat our duck (who lives with the chickens) and the pigeons. Will we need to separate the duck during treatment, or can she have the same dosage as the chickens?
Suggestions on treating the pigeons? Should I ask in the pigeon forums here?

Safeguard horse paste would be my next go-to after Valbazen. Unsure of the dosage on that, though.

Perhaps @casportpony or @dawg53 will make their way by eventually. :)

After a long conversation with the family member at TSC about different types of fenbendazole and piperazine, we called up a neighbor of ours who happens to have the liquid goat Safeguard. She says it's a year old, but it's been kept in the fridge and hasn't passed its expiration date. We're borrowing that from her now.
I've seen the liquid goat Safeguard recommended a lot, but I had a few questions:
--How much, how long, and how to administer to chickens? We have 8 standard chickens and 3 OEGB hens.
--How much, how long, and how to administer to our Mallard duck? She is kept with the chickens and drinks the same water, etc.
--How much, how long, and how to administer to our pigeons? They are regular city-type pigeons, not large utility pigeons. They are in a separate area of the pen, mostly. Currently there are 3 adult pigeons and 2 squabs.

What about egg withdrawal periods?

ETA: It just occurred to me that I might want to treat the rabbit that is housed inside the chicken run (and is sometimes exposed to chicken droppings in his cage and also his larger run). I assume I can also use the liquid goat Safeguard on him. This probably isn't the best place to ask, but would it be a good idea to treat him even if he's not exhibiting obvious symptoms?
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I only know about chickens. Safeguard liquid goat wormer dosage for your standard size chickens is 1/2cc given orally undiluted once a day for 5 days straight, 1/4cc for smaller birds once a day for 5 days straight. Give them the wormer early in the morning prior to feeding them, it makes the wormer more effective eliminating worms. There's normally a 14 day withdrawal after the last dosing.
I only know about chickens. Safeguard liquid goat wormer dosage for your standard size chickens is 1/2cc given orally undiluted once a day for 5 days straight, 1/4cc for smaller birds once a day for 5 days straight. Give them the wormer early in the morning prior to feeding them, it makes the wormer more effective eliminating worms. There's normally a 14 day withdrawal after the last dosing.

After reading all the threads on roundworms, I’m going with the Safeguard. My question is, should you discard the eggs laid during the first couple of days of treatment?

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